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From the ashes one will rise with the power of the stars at their side.


Back and forth the chair rocks holding a mother and her child. To pass the time the mom sings a sweet melody to her little girl in her arms. Her beautiful voice fills the room with warmth. Midnight colored eyes had begun to flutter open and shut at her mother's soothing voice. Eventually the young girl fell into a blissful sleep along with her mother.

The house was silent except for the silent crackle of the fireplace. This is how the routine went. Hesperia and her daughter Aza would spend each night like this. A softly sung song, the calming crackle of the fire, and the eventual return of her son. 

 Zypher was just like any boy around the age of fifteen. Loud, young, rambunctious ,and finally growing into a young man. It had taken persistence and patience to convince his mother that he was old enough to be out on his own. She had always been wary about things like this because her son was a summoner. People would see his mark glowing and send for the gyst faster than she could blink.

She hadn't wanted them to be part of his fate. But he eventually had got to her with his pleading chestnut eyes and shining black hair. The first time her son was out on his own Hesperia couldn't relax at all. Worried that he would get caught up in something bad. However, he was a smart boy and was very capable of taking care of himself.

That night, like the sweetalker he was, he had returned home to his mother and sister with gifts. The little girl was more than happy with the sweets he had bought her but his mother was harder to sway even with the beautiful necklace. But she eventually come around and let him continue to be out on his own. Ever since that night he had gone out with friends each night,once his chores were done. Afterwards he would return home to his mother and sister to and wake them from their sleep.

Even though Hesperia trusted her son, she would always wait by the window in the old rocking chair awaiting his arrival home.

 ¨Hesperia¨, a woman's panicked voice had called into the room. Woken by the maid's voice Hesperia groggily opened her eyes only to meet a concerned look etched on the redhead's face. Confusion and cloudiness caused the mother's words to come out in a rasp. 

 ¨What is it Seraphine? Has something happened?¨

 ¨I'm sorry my lady, but I have no time to explain, all I can say at the moment is that we have to get out of here as soon as possible.¨

 She shot out of her seat with her daughter in her arms and quickly followed the maid out the door. They were halfway through the hallway leading to the kitchen when an object flew through a window, shattering its glass. A brick, sensing more to come the maid grabbed the nearest object of furniture and shoved it in front of the window.

 "They have learned of your powers, my lady... and let's just say they aren't too thrilled about it.¨ 

Hesperia had drawn her lips into a thin line. "Well, I suppose it was to happen sooner or later".

 After a few moments of silence, they continued toward the kitchen dodging items thrown through the windows. They got about three feet from the kitchen when another brick slammed into a window. The shattering glass flew at the three of them. In a rush Seraphine grabbed onto the mother and her daughter to shield them. A broken shard embeded itself into Seraphine's side. A rapid flow of blood began to ooze out of her, causing her to fall to the ground. As quick as lighting Hesperia moved her little girl into her left arm and grabbed ahold of the glass,ripping it from the maid's side. She screamed out in pain and quickly went to clutch her side.

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