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how easy

Jungkook was an evil maknae. Evil, evil, evil. He stole your food, scattered clothes and never gave up his games. He was one of those people everyone gave up on.

"Jeon Jungkoooook!"

"Kook what the hell!"

He ran around the house, cackling evilly. He had currently stolen Jin's cap and Jin was most certainly not happy about it. A few curse words and a slap later, Jungkook was smiling and laughing again while the older chased him.

Hoseok just watched with a grin on his face as he rubbed his back. He had been dancing and practicing all day their new choreos without a stop, until finally taehyung had dragged him all the way back to the others.

His phone buzzed as a new message arrived.

Did you eat yet?


Hoseok-ah, eat

He sighed. It was true. He hadn't eaten in hours due to his focus on dance. He could see how frustrating it was to the others with how little he cared for hinself these days, only rushing to please the others. He didn't have much time for himself.

He was about to turn around when he felt something warm in his mouth. He looked up, eyebrows raised as Jungkook sticked more of the warm bread into his mouth. He knew it was from that bakery Jungkook really liked. They had only ever gone once, but still, everything there tasted good. He swallowed, hitting Jungkook lightly.

"Really Jungkookie? Wow."

Jungkook only laughed it off, his shoulders shaking in amusement as he smiled, showing off his bunny teeth. "Can't deny you liked it though." Hoseok just laughed, pushing him away. But Jungkook grabbed his wrist, no longer smiling, a hazy look in his eyes.

"You said you would play with me!"


t was a game. Hoseok had agreed to Jungkook's game. A little thing that started with innocent kisses on his cheeks and wondering hands on his thighs.

Except— the longer it went on, the sweet and short little pecks turning into longer, wandering kisses, the more Hoseok panicked.

His will is weak, though, and when Jungkook's hand slid further up his thigh, he didn't shake it away.

Hoseok doesn't know how it happened, but somehow they ended up like this, scorching kisses being pressed on his neck, Jungkook's hands imprinting their hold on Hoseok's hips.

Hoseok covered his mouth to keep from making any noise as Jungkook thrusted in him, profanities spilling from his mouth at every second. Jungkook just smirked at him, leaning in close to whisper in his ear, something that sent chills down hoseok's spine. "I want to hear you, be good yeah?"

Hoseok nodded meekly, uncovering his mouth as Jungkook fucked into him faster and faster, nearly making hin scream in pleasure. He closed his eyes, grabbing at the bedsheets with desperation and need. He needed to be quieter, after all, the members were home. "I- faster oh my god faster oh-"

Hoseok leaned his head back, resting it against the headboard. His lips parted, urging Jungkook to just kiss him and give and take- and that's exactly what he did. The kiss was messy and everything in between but nothing, they thought, could ever top it. (Oh how wrong they were)

Hoseok, he was nearly crying, the feeling of Jungkook inside him too overwhelming but still not enough, he wanted more but he wanted less and he couldn't anymore-

He came hard, seeing stars behind his eyelids, his body shuddering uncontrollably as Jungkook whispered praises into his ear. "Good boy, yeah good for me only. Beautiful baby boy, my beautiful baby boy" And Jungkook came with a groan, hoseok tightening around him.

Hoseok cried, curling up into Jungkook with his cock still in his ass, not caring about anything in that moment. His eyes were swollen and red but he was just beautiful to Jungkook, who cooed at him, slipping out gently as cum leaked out of him, nudging him slowly. "C'mon, a shower will feel nice right? A nice warm shower. You want to be clean right? A shower ye-"

Hoseok pushed him away, scrambling to grab his clothes somwhere in the floor. "I- Jungkook- what- w-what did w-we just do?" He started crying again, unable to meet Jungkook's eyes as he backed away slowly, shaking his head. His back hit the door and he let out a tiny sound of protest. "I- I'm sorry kookie, I'm really sorry-" and he dashed off, faster that Jungkook could process it.

He felt somewhat angered, although not having a real reason. He was just angry, tearing at his hair as he muttered out a few words Hoseok didn't hear.

"I'll make you mine, no matter what."

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