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Jimin started in a dead, monotone voice. "It all starts with a crush. Jungkook had always been my cheerful, perfect dongsaeng. I thought of him as a little brother. But while my intentions were perfectly pure, kook had taken another route. He had started messing with me, calling me beautiful and telling me obscene things. Slowly, I started seeing him differently. My whole perception of him took a 360."

He glanced at Jungkook bitterly, his mouth pulling into an expression of disgust. "We snuck out at night, and found hidden places during the day. No one ever caught us so we continued to do it." He paused, throwing a half grin at Hoseok. "He was disgustingly sweet. He always brought me flowers and chocolates and even fucking bakery bread."

Hoseok finally risked a glance at Jungkook. His face was a mask of indifference, but Hoseok knew him enough to recognize the turmoil of emotions in them. He looked at Hoseok once, but his eyes quickly dropped to the floor. Hoseok turned back and Jimin continued. Confused and consumed with despair, Hoseok listened carefully.

"Now, this next part is what makes me be the way I am with jungkook." Jimin laughed bitterly as he shifted in his chair. "Jungkook was so nice to me, so caring, I couldn't help falling. God knows I couldn't help it. And about a year after our first daesang, I found him in the dressing room... naked. And we had sex."

Jimin cleared his throat, his eyes flickering between Hoseok's stunned face and Jungkook's unreadable one. "After that, I couldn't talk to him. I couldn't even look at him. I just couldn't. And Jungkook once again started being super nice to me. I couldn't help falling. Again. It became a cycle. He would bring me flowers, we'd watch a cheesy drama and then, we'd end up fucking."

Jimin shook his head, laughing mockingly and eyeing the hickies on Hoseok's neck. "Never could keep your dick in your pants." Then he continued before Jungkook had a chance to retort.

"Jungkook fooled me into thinking he loved me. So months later, I confessed. I told him I loved him and wanted us to be an official couple. He told me he didn't feel the same way and walked away just like that. I was mad. He had the nerve to play with my feelings and then act like it was my fault."

Jungkook swallowed, his face turning red in anger as he spoke, yet his voice strangely calm. "You forgot the most important details. Like how you made me break up with my previous partner, as well as Yoongi hyung because you also used to like him. If I'm not mistaken."

Jimin stood up, snarling and pointing a finger accusingly at Jungkook. "Stop turning this onto me!" Jungkook stood up as well, pushing Jimin's hand away as he harshly yelled at him. "Then stop making this about you!" Both of them glared at each other, unaware of the crying Hoseok.

Finally, Jungkook broke the heavy silence, tiredly pointing at the door. "I think you should leave, you know, before I break something important, like your pretty face." Jimin leveled another glare at him, turning to Hoseok and softening his gaze. "Hyung, I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for saying all those things about you. I shouldn't have. You didn't deserve to be talked about like you were trash."

He took a deep breath, looking at Hoseok with a sympathetic expression. "And all I wanted was to explain what happened between me and Jungkook. Just so you can understand better why Jungkook really isn't to be trusted."

He turned back to Jungkook, spitting out the words. "We aren't done here yet kookie." Jimin marched out the door, slamming it behind him for good measure. It was then that Jungkook saw Hoseok standing, tears streaming down his face silently.

Jungkook rushed towards him, encasing him in a tight hug. "Shh, it's okay hyung. I've got you. You're okay baby." He murmured soft words into Hoseok's ear, calming him down until his sobs became sniffles. Finally, Hoseok asked the question that Jungkook had been expecting all along. "Is it true?"

The younger was silent for a few seconds, and Hoseok was worried that he had asked the wrong question. He was proven wrong when Jungkook cleared his throat and spoke in a halting tone. "Most of it, yeah." He admitted guiltily. "But what he didn't tell you is that I did tell him the reason why we couldn't... why I wouldn't... anyways. I did tell him though."

Jungkook took a deep breath, looking into Hoseok's eyes with an honest gaze. "I had a crush on you. Like Jimin hyung said, it all starts with a crush. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't stop looking at you because you looked so beautiful. Every single day."

He kissed Hoseok, caressing his cheek with a finger. He spoke against Hoseok's lips. "I love you hyung. More than anything or anyone. More than my own life. And fuck everyone else, because the only person I want is you." His innocent smile slowly turned into a smirk.

"Now can we fuck?"


I'm back horres ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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