•Chapter 37•

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"RISE AND SHINE sleeping beauty," Nick's voice said waking me up from my peaceful slumber.

"Get up, get up," he continued and opened the hospital curtains allowing the sunlight to stream through the entire room and nearly blind me.

I quickly covered my eyes with my hands. "Leave me alone and close those bloody curtains, it burns," I whined.

"Stop whining and get up," he pestered "you've been asleep for two days and I've missed you like crazy."

At that, my eyes snapped open just to have me quickly shut them again. "Hand me my glasses."

Instead of handing me the glasses like I assumed he would, he gently put them on my face for me. "There you go love," he said with a fake British accent.

I rolled my eyes as I sat up and leant my back on the wall. "Before I say anything about what you just said, let's rewind a little shall we?"

"Whatever you say love."

"I was out for two whole days?" I asked. "Explain."

Nick took off his boots and climbed onto the small bed with me and wrapped his hands around me pulling me into him. "Yeah you were out for two whole days but the doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about as your body was just getting used to being back on chemo," he answered.


"It's nothing to worry about," he reassured and placed a kiss in my hair. "Besides it's a Saturday and I get to spend the whole day with you, no interruptions whatsoever."

"And I'm supposed to be happy about this revelation because?" I teased.

"Don't start a game you can not finish Erin, I mean it," he said seriously but I could detect a smile in his voice.

I pulled back from him and crawled out of the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Not starting a game I can't finish," I replied and sat on the chair.

Nick shook his head at me, "come back here Lex," he said opening his hands for me.

"Did you just call me Lex?" I asked him bewildered.

"Yeah and?"

"And that's one of Superman's arch-enemies. How can you compare me to that psychopath?" I shrieked.

"It's just a name Alexis, don't overthink it."

"You will take it back right now."

"And why would I do that Lex?" he taunted me.

I walked over to the bed and grabbed one of the pillows that were on the bed and smacked him with it repeatedly. "Take it back now," I said as I continued smacking him while he laughed at my poor attempt at trying to hurt him.

"N-not going t-to happen," he said in between laughs.

"Do it now or I will continue hitting you," I countered.

"Please! I-I will, just please stop before you pull a hammy," I immediately stopped hitting him then and sat down at the edge of the bed.

"Thank you," he said once he'd calm down from his laughter. "I'm proud of you Lex."

"I hate you."

"No you don't," he countered.

"Yes I do," I told him looking him straight in his forest green eyes.

"No you don't, you love me too much to hate me," he shrugged.

Oh lord! He heard me when I confessed to Asher that I may be in love with him. I can't believe I forgot all about that. It feels like lifetime ago.

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