•Chapter 41•

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I HAD BEEN dreading this moment ever since I knew it was a possibility. I didn't want anything to happen to Leah, she was the only sibling I had left after Kayla passed and she was all mom had. But more importantly, I did not want to have to lose Alexis after I just got her.

I had spent a huge amount of time researching SCD and how to treat it but each time it always led to a negative finding. The older you are, the more riskier it is to have a successful bone marrow transplant. The odds were against her and that, that just broke me because I loved her. And to make matters worse, I didn't tell her I loved her when she said it to me.

Sighing, I opened the door Dr. Dave had pointed me to and saw mom sat next to Leah who was stretched out on the small hospital bed.


"Hey!" Leah smiled, "how's your girlfriend holding up?" she asked.

My mom rolled her eyes at her statement. "Stop trying to rail your brother up," she chastised her.

"Gee I'm sorry. But there's no need to be harsh to the patient," Leah exclaimed raising her hands up.

I leaned by the door with my hands crossed over my chest and legs crossed as well. "There's nothing wrong with you, so stop trying to milk it dear sweet sister of mine," I spoke coolly.

"I'm going to give your girlfriend my bone marrow, the least you could do is be nice to me for a change."

"I am being nice to you, I just think you trying to milk it is selfish and childish," I replied with a nonchalant shrug. "It's not like you're going to die or anything is remotely going to happen to you."

"But I could."


"You're an asshole," she said as she puffed her cheeks out in annoyance.

"Watch your language young lady," mom scolded. "He is your elder brother and you will show him respect. Am I clear?" she asked calmly.

Leah nodded her head and I smiled because I knew I could always trust my mom to have my back each time Leah and I argued. Which is a lot.

"Good. I'll go check on Alexis and see how she's holding up."

Mom stood up and smoothed down her skirt before she grabbed her bag and headed to the door where I was stood. Before she could leave, I wrapped my hands around her wrist.

"Can I talk to you first?" I asked.

"Of course honey, you can always talk to me about anything," she responded. "What is it?"

I closed the door as we stood in the long hospital corridor. "Alexis told me a while back that she loves me and I didn't say it back," I sighed and ran a frustrated hand over my face. "And to make things worse, I went out and poured my heart to her about how much I love Hayley and always will. I'm such a fool," I tugged on my hair hard.

"Nick listen to me, you are not in any way obligated to say it back to her if you don't feel the same way," mom answered. "But why would you do that? I'm sure that just broke the poor girl's heart," she shook her head in a disapproving manner.

I ran a hand through my hair once more. "But that's the thing, I do love her, I've loved her for some time now," I breathed, "I just don't know how to say it to her because I'm afraid if I do and then I Lose her, I wouldn't know what to do with my life mom," I confessed. "I'm afraid it will hurt more than losing Hayley felt because I love Alexis with everything in me."

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