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Ninja and his friends have come down to save the world

People from save the world: Hey that's a gamemode in fortnite let's join in on and this!


Ok this is like smash bros were everyone is here

Everyone from smash bros + Waluigi: were in!

Oh come on anyway ninja has come down to save everyone from whatever it is down there.

Everyone:Huh? Were in!

Ok there we go that's everyone we will now see what emerges from underground.

*Out pops Ali-A and every villain from every franchise EVER*

Ali-A: Ninja you can ligma balls ha ha!

Satan: Kill then all!

That kid with the wand:WE HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON OUR SIDE *summons anime characters*


Gabe:*borks at catto*

Catto: *dies*

Polan:Polan Can Into SPACE! *Crashes rocket into reichtangle*

Reichtangle *dies*

Mario: You canna ligma ballsa bowser *drops axe on bridge*

Bowser: Sh-*dies*

Sonic: Your to slow doctor egg man hahahahahahahhahahahahaha

Dr Egg Man:Y u so mean *cries*

Shrek: Yeet

Lord farquad: *dies*

Jimmy Neutron: Ur mom gay

Satan's mom: *dies*

Satan: Nooo Try harder!

USA *nuke*

Imperial japan *dies*

Spongebob: É

Mr Krabs: REEEE

Plankton: *dies*

Britain: Hitler commuted suicide

Nazi germany: *dies*

Doge: Much wow

Grumpy cat: *blows up of anger*


Satan's side:We are!

Satan: You guys can sugondese nuts in a minute if you don't try harder.

Bugs bunny:Wats up doc?

That hunter guy from looney toons: *dies*



Satan: Ali-A you are going to have to unleash your powers in a minute. I'm going to release the fortnite clickbaiters.

Ali-A: ok

Fortnite clickbaiters: *kills all the faze clan*

Satan:Yes great work!!!

Logan paul: Lets have a fight right now you know!

KSI: Ok then.

5 minutes of the boxing fight later.

Both of them are dead

Dr lupo: Tells people to not subscribed to top royale.

Top royale: *dies*

Timthetatman:tells people to not subscribe to Fortnite Spark tv

Fortnite Spark tv :*dies*

Myth :tells people to not subscribe to oh long Johnson

Oh long Johnson: *dies*

Daequan (that's how u spell it right?): Tells people to not subscribe to BCC trolling.

BCC Trolling:*dies*

Satan:Nooo not them!

A few hours of  kicking ass later

Satan: So it's all come down to this.

Ali-A: It's time.

Potat: Gabe need bepis

Gabe: *drinccs bepis* BORK

Ninja: Ali-a you can ligma balls as well as ligma.

Ali-A: Well I beat the no shield challenge AND solo squads.

Ninja: What does that have to do with this? Anyway I've won solo squads to many times to count now bring the beat in.

Ali-A intro starts playing

Ninja:So Ali how was hell?

Beat starts to rise

Ali-A: Well I played a bit of ROBLOX

Ninja: What? Oh no erm.. Minecraft!

Minecraft versus roblox Fight!

A few minutes later

Ninja: Ha Minecraft wins!

Ali-A That doesn't mean you can win this! No not at all! Erm let's fight!

Ninja: Ok Then!

Ali-A: Clickbait Attack!

Ninja: Fortnite skills block it!

A few hours later

Ali-a: No... This can't be I'm going to die noo *dies*

Ninja: Ha Ligma Balls lmao

God: You see Satan Good always wins.

Satan: No It....DOESNT. Trust me I will come back I will come back.

Wayne the ogre: erm... Shrek do we put em back in der or wat

Shrek: Yes we put him in there.


Ninja: So much for humor!


???:Wait Wait Wait

Theoddonesout: Wear your seatbelt ;)

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