
193 7 1

First of all can I just say I didn't expect over 25 reads (not that much I know but it's a lot for me) I honestly expected this to be just a little laugh for me and my friends. I have 1 vote  and that's just wooosh but compare this to my older sisters work on this and it's nothing. But erm 4K votes isn't that much hehe...

Oh and putting it out none of these people actually helped but I'm putting them in since they were characters

But any way credits

Ninja: Streamer

TSM Myth: Streamer

Dr Lupo: Streamer

Timthetatman: Streamer

TSM Daequan Streamer

Ali-A YouTuber

Undertale would have recommend it in 2016

Mario franchise

Sonic franchise


Smash Bros Franchise

PolandBall Franchise

Mr krabs


Kid that has anime and god meme

Gabe sleep tight pupper ;(

Doge much death :( 2013-2016

You know what to do for harambe

Roblox OOF

Minecraft OOO

God Da holy one

Jesus Da holy one jr

Satan lava baths

Clickbaiters  no one likes you guys

Anime  JAPAN

Fortnite  Game

X and avicci a meme or not?

Ligma  my enemy for killing my homie >:(

Sugondese what language is that?

Those fortnite characters not important

John wick

Dem damn defaults

Bugs bunny

That hunter guy from looney toons


I think that's everyone

Special mentions


Pokemon Go


Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

Script: Taffers789

Everything else: Taffers 789

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