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5th August, 9.21 pm

I can't wait to see Dean later. I hope we can be good friends. When we have been sailing today, he tried to teach it to me. I still didn't get it and he told me that it would always be boring.

I also ask him if he can get marijuana, but he said 'no' because he don't want me to smoke it, even though I told him I always do.

It's cute that he is always so caring and stuff, but he has to know how it feels to be addicted to drugs. He told me he's as well!!!

I laughed, but it was a nasty laughter. I had been bad. I wondered how my friends had endured it with me.

Then I realized that after the camp my attitude had changed. It was as if a little piece of memory had reappeared.

6th August, 1.36 am

This night he not only brought his phone with headphones and cigarettes but also a bottle of wine. As I asked him why wine but not some good drugs he threw me a bad look.

After half an hour the bottle was empty. We were not that drunk. It seemed like I wasn't the only one that drinks pretty often.

While listening to his music again (I still don't know the artist) he turned on the torch of his phone and held it into the opening of the empty bottle.

Suddenly is was a bit brighter on the small roof. Beautiful reflection fell on the red underground as he turned the bottle.

Omg, I'm gonna go to bed that sounds like a romance story.

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