Go back to your friends. Like you always will...

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Authors note!! Listen to the song, because if you don't, the whole chapter will not make any sense. Also, sorry it took me so long to update, writing this chapter took me a super long time, but that might just have been because of the length but...whatever!

I woke up with several Instagram notifications on my phone. They ranged from...

You don't deserve Shayne.       To

Why would he chose you over someone like me!       To

You're a loser. Shayne will realize that soon enough and come running back to me. Like he always does. 

And my many more. I sloppily got dressed and headed over to Liv's house. What a great way to start the day! 

Liv was running late, so we skipped Starbucks and rushed to get to school on time. Within the business of the morning, I managed to forget about the Instagram DMs. Bad idea. We walked into school, and all eyes were on me and Olivia. We kept our heads mainly high. That was until we got to our lockers. We got everything that we needed, and scurried off to class as fast as we could. God! I hate all of this attention. 

~~Time skip to lunch~~

Everyone was at the table. M,e Olivia, Mari, Ian, and Anthony. Later, Shayne walked into the lunchroom. Almost as soon as he did, all eyes were on us and him. He walked over to our table and sat down. I got up and walked out. Not sure where I was going, but I sure as hell wasn't staying there. I waled out of the lunchroom and walked over to my locker. I leaned against it, and slid down the front side until I was sitting on the ground. 

I put my face into my hands. Why? Why of all people did I have to be the one that got all the shit. And for what! For some guy that thought his friends were douches? Why was that so bad? Maybe it wasn't that, that was bad. But the fact that he chose us...me over the populars. He chose the nerds over the jocks. Why?

"Court!?" My rambling was interrupted by the one who caused all this running to me. I quickly stood up and wiped away the tears away. "What do you want?" I meekly asked. "Why did you run off?" He asked slowing to a stop in front of me. "You want to know what made me leave? This. or rather these. The SHIT that people think of me just because you finally realized who your friends were." I said getting out my phone and showing him the messages. 

(From earlier in the chapter)

"So why don't you go back to your friends. Leave us all alone, that way you can't hurt us anymore. You be with the people who 'deserve' you. Like 'you always will...'" With that said. A single tear fell. I walked by him smashing shoulders with him. 

(Like what the bitch always does in the movies? For like dramatic affect or something?)

~~The next morning~~

I woke up, and just sorta layed in my bed for a minute. Just thinking. 

She stares at her ceiling once again.

I got Olivia and I some Starbucks and drove over to her house to bring her to school. "How are ypu feeling about...Well, everything?"

"Honestly Liv. I'm overwhelmed. Like, what am I supposed to so? Literally nobody at the school liked me before. Now they sure as hell won't."

"That's not true! You have us! Me, Ian, Ant, and Mar."

"Yeah ,you're right. Thanks." We soon arrived. I walked in and didn't look up from the ground. My shoes and the peripheral vision around them were what interested me the most at the moment.

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