Tokoyami La Kill

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As we arrive to UA, I quickly look around for anyone who could help. I notice the teachers break room. "Uraraka, let's split up and find teachers." I quickly bang the door of the break room, hoping someone would open it. "You know, don't have t- oh? Tokoyami what are you doing here? You should be on the field trip," All Might said. "The facility is under attack! Uraraka went to go alert more heros and everyone else is still trapped!" I notice the symbol of peace, the only person I looked up to growing up, get anger in his eyes. I can't tell if he is smiling or try not to break his teeth with rage. It was terrifying. We run outside. "Get on my back, we need to get there fast!" I nod. Right before I get on his back, I noticed all might's wide and muscular back. I get on it and hold on to his shoulders. His thick, strong shoulders. I wrapped my legs around his back to hold on for lift off and I realized my whole body is feeling his muscles. I wish I was hanging on his chest like a koala.
We quickly go up in the air from all mights jump and grabs on to my legs to make sure that I don't fall. His big strong hands that are as big as my face... Oh no... What is that feeling in between my legs... Please God... Don't give me a boner now of all times.... especially since all might will feel me grinding it on his back from holding on to him.
We landed the first jump and now we are in the air again. That was the most scariest thing I felt. Luckily, it turned me off. For know.

~a couple of turning-on-and Turing-offs later~

We jump through the glass and a cloud of dust starts to clear. All might looking angry and in a hero pose while I'm on his back like a baby and trying to not throw up my hormones. I'm looking at my crouch to make sure it isn't broken from being scared then turned on repeatedly.
He drops me off his back and we see midoriya and others in front of a giant black monster with his brain exposed next to a hand fetish villian. This is truly a serious and dangerous situation... I wonder if all might will me get on his muscler back again later. "Wait here. I'll deal with them." Whatever happens next will be epic.

*Insert fight scene here*

"Wow! That was epic!" The villians had fled and nomu had been captured and unresponsive. Daddy All Might's clothes have been ripped off execpt his pants and his sweat is making his muscles shine. And that is all that matters. Oh, and we are all safe.
I can't believe midoriya was that powerful thought, I saw the same thing that I saw in him during the entrance exam. Once again I'm inspired by him. I will become a hero that inspires others the way he does to me.
"Midoriya. I can't believe you are that stronger. You fought valiantly and well," I say to midoriya as he is in a stretcher. Probably not the best time to get him to like me. "C'mon, no I didn't. If if I did, I wouldn't have to be in this stretcher." Again, he smiles nervously but this time he blushes. Dark Shadow comes out. "Wow kid, you really popped off. Next time you fight tokoyami and me, we will be able to put you in a stretcher with us as the Victor." "Can't wait, Dark Shadow." He said we will fight again. Looks like it's a date. But for fighting and I'm the only one trying to be romantic.

As midoriya is taken away, I'm standing with dark shadow with the other students. I'm not listening to whatever the teacher is saying but I'm happy how today turned out. Now it's time to go home and go to sleep.

"Today was exhausting." "I know what you mean." "You didn't do much today Dark Shadow. How could you be tired?" "I was fighting off the villians!" As I'm getting ready for bed in my room a go to my computer to see what's going on in Instagram. "Hey Dark Shadow, there are a lot of videos about the attack that happened today." "Did they say anything about you on his back?" "Uuuhh....... Nope but it would be hilarious if they did." "Imagine: 'local bird boi rides all might and comes down hard.'" I choked on the title sounding explicit. But now I'm imagining it. Fuck, I know that Dark Shadow wanted to do that.

"Dark Shadow, please stop I don't wanna think that right now." He wants me to jerk off tonight because if I have a orgasm, he feels it too for some reason. "I'm just going to look at people's post." I scrolled down and noticed pictures of midoriya resting from the fight posted by his mom. Is it weird that im looking at his mom's Instagram to find pictures of him? Naaaaaw, I'm sure it's fine.

He looks so cute sleeping. I scroll down some more. Wait did she post a video of him sleeping?! I never clicked play on a video so fast. The video loads then starts and I can here Midoriya's soft quiet snoring while he is spooning his pillow. Wow it must be so embarrassing for him when he finds out of this video.

His mom is talking about something but I'm just lost looking at his face. His cute, soft, and innocent face. I wish I was the pillow. I wish I was there sleeping next to him with him spooning me as we sleep with his arms around me, making me feel safe and warm as I listen to his baby snoring. But I'm not.

I clicked off the computer and went into my bed. "Hey tokoyami, wanna think about all might 'rewarding' you for helping him?" Dang Dark Shadow really wants to feal me climax. We have a weird relationship when it comes to my teenage needs. "Fine but I'm too tired to move." "Don't worry, I'll make do." Wtf? He never done THAT before but I don't think I'm going to stop him. Does this counts as jacking off? I mean he is apart of me. "Im not agree with this.... But I'm not disagreeing." He smiles. "Oh, I see. Then lay back and I'll help you decide." He is so thirsty right now. I geuss he experiences my hormones?

I'm on bed laying on my side and hugging my pillow as Dark Shadow does... Stuff. I wonder if midoriya is dreaming of me like how I dreamt of him.

AUTHOR: I hoped you all enjoyed. Please comment if you like lude stuff like this. I would not mind putting some mcnasty scenes here and there. I'm also thinking of making the next chapter to be only in Midoriya's POV? I'm not sure. Anyways... Please comment and enjoy. <3

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