My so-called-depression

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Depression, deeper than it was before
My so-called-depression now scares me more
Being insane for a minute won't hurt i thought
but deep you'll see how much pain it'd brought

Being alone gave me peace of mind
But now it only pushed me to unwind
because now being alone is like being in hell
where you can only think of "will I ever be well?"

I have many people beside me
I am friends with everyone or maybe?
They say, "I'm always right here, doom."
Mostly when I'm alone in my dark room

I never like anyone who speaks about taking suicides
maybe that's why I never like myself
thankfully I had never commit one and besides
when I think of doing so, I first talk to myself

I don't know if it helped or it just get me worst
"Are you brave enough to do it, doom?"
That's what I'm saying then a laugh will burst
not in my room but inside my mind of doom.

When Reality Fails My Mind WinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon