Chapter Twenty One - Writing Hack: Embodying the Character

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In this chapter, I want to talk about a technique I use to flesh out characters and make their dialogue a little easier to write. I call in embodying the character.

Basically, what I do is I write extensive backstories about each of my main characters such as:

• Where do they live

• Where are they from

• How did they grow up

• What are their motivations and desires

• Were there any formative events that happened in their lives that shaped them

• and so on

I may never show anybody these notes, and it may never be brought up in the story — these are for me to understand who these characters are — much like an actor might do a similar exercise to figure out who their character is.

Once I have a reasonably good grasp on my characters, I can begin to create a mental image and embodiment of the character. I then jump back and forth and figure out what they will say, how they will say it, how they behave and act in certain situations, and so on.

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