Hercules x Reader: Butterfly

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Requested by The_OtterPrincess

You laughed as you rushed through the city square, playing frisbee with the village boys, giggling as they purposefully threw it over your head, knowing you wouldn't be tall enough to catch it.

"Come on, boys," you scolded, playfully putting your hands on your hips. "That's not very fair."

"Relax, (Y/N)." Perseus grinned as he walked up to you, his brown eyes mischievous and daring as he teased you. "It's not our fault you're so much shorter, is it?"

You blushed, but rolled your eyes at him, knowing he'd had his eye on you for awhile. "Whatever." You turned and sauntered off after the frisbee, trying to see where it had gone, but your eyes widened as you saw it was being held by Hercules.

He examined the thick plate in his hands, turning it over and admiring the work done to it, ignoring the donkey he'd been told to watch. As soon as he heard your footsteps, he glanced up, giving you a weak smile.

You couldn't help but smile back, noticing his blue eyes were brilliant, the color of sapphires. "Is this yours?" He held it out to you gently, and you took it from him with a nod.

"I hope we didn't spook your donkey too much." You laughed softly, biting your lip and looking down, ignoring the boys yelling in the background for you to hurry up, asking what was taking so long.

"Penelope?" He laughed softly. "No, no. She's the toughest old donkey in all of Thebes."

You smiled. "I've heard you're very strong as well. She must get all of her brawn from you then, Hercules."

"Well," he scratched the nape of his neck, a light blush coming to his bronze, Grecian skin. "If you think so, then I'm not gonna deny it." He pressed one hand up against a white column, grinning broadly, appearing very cool and calm one second, and the next yelping as he almost fell over.

Your eyes widened as the column began to tip, smashing into column after column like a line of dominos, all of it coming crashing down in a heap, dust flying up everywhere, and when the coughing had stopped and all the debris had cleared the air, all eyes were trained on Hercules.

"Hercules!" Amphitryon, a local farmer, came out of the shop he'd just been in, frowning at the teenager he knew as his son. "My boy, what happened?"

You backed away as the two began to talk and others began to crowd the pair, all of them angry with the young man. As you arrived back to your group of friends, they were laughing at what had happened.

"I think he got a little love-struck talking to you, (Y/N)," Perseus grinned, poking your sides and holding out his hand for the frisbee. "Gods, I don't blame him. You could be made in the image of Aphrodite herself, hm?"

He chuckled, continuing as you said nothing. "It's a shame though. He seems to be cursed with disability, like Hephaestus. Cursed to live in an eternity of clumsiness, and the beautiful Aphrodite he has his eyes on only has room in her heart for one." He smirked. "Ares, pronounced Perseus."

You angrily shoved the plate in his direction, not caring as he grunted when it smacked his chest, his hands feebly coming up to grip the heavy disk. "There's nothing wrong with him, Perseus. His clumsiness is something that can be worked on. What you have?" You poked your finger into his chest as he moved the plate away, seeming to wish he hadn't as you dug the digit into his skin. "That can't be undone."


You sighed as you went to collect water from the well. A week had gone by since you'd last willingly talked to Perseus, and he'd just left your home with another half-hearted apology, sorry he had made you feel the way you had, but reminding you that he hadn't said a thing that wasn't true.

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