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Everything around me feels foggy, as though I am floating in the middle of a fluffy dense cloud and can see nothing beyond the tip of my nose. This goes on for I do not know how long before a bright transparent light constricts my senses and I begin to hear a deep comment call out my name.

“Nomsa it is time to wake up” The voice comments and I am instantly pulled into reality.

“Don’t try to sit up so expeditiously” The voice continues and it is then that I realise that I am in my suite and the voice belongs to none other than Doctor Limpo.

“Thirsty” I comment in a slow whisper fighting to regain control of my throat as he helps me into a sitting position.

“Don’t rush yourself, just drink the tincture as slowly as possible because it is very potent”

“What’s in it?”

“Something to make sure that your soma does not reject your new wings. You will have to take it for a the next couple of days in order to complete the assimilation process between your soma and your new wings and from then on it will be smooth sailing”

“Thank you Doctor Limpo”

“I’m just doing my job” Doctor Limpo ripostes in a monotone comment as he moves away from me in order to disconnect the link between me and several machines though there are some that he does not touch.

“I am leaving now but I will be back to check up on you at the end of the day but under no circumstance are you allowed to leave your suite without my written consent” Doctor Limpo informs me before he traipses out of my billet room and so that is how I spend the next week basically imprisoned in my new suite.

The only consolation is that loneliness has not been an issue as Katengo has very diligently been with me and Mistress Muleya has been sending me all manner of different foods for me to indulge in much to Katengo’s delight since my appetite is sub-par due to my medication.

That was a week ago and with Doctor Limpo finally giving me the go ahead to leave my suite, I find myself currently standing outside a conference room that Katengo has led me to and with one final mini pep talk in my crown, I decide to move forward.

Once the doors before me slide open I soon realise that I must be late since all eyes are on me and there is only one seat that is currently empty and without any hesitation I expeditiously make my approach to occupy the empty seat.

“Now that Nomsa is here we can finally start the meeting. As you all know the Cyclical Death Games will soon fall upon us so I expect every Gladiator to step up their training in preparation for the upcoming combats that will determine who I am going to take with me to Nambao. I expect utter perfection from all of you and anything less will lead to your termination so choose your next steps wisely, meeting dismissed!”

Throughout Mistress Muleya’s speech I make sure to keep my crown down lest I should attract even more attention than I already have and I take it so far as to wait for everyone else to leave the conference room before I make my move.

Slowly I make my approach towards my suite making sure that I do not make a wrong turn as Katengo is not here to guide me through the eerily similar hallways however I do not make it that far because all of a sudden I am caught by the back of my throat and violently thrust towards the wall to my left.

My profile is the first to make contact with the wall before the rest of my soma follows suit which only worsens my pain.

“I can’t believe Mistress Muleya made me wait for a little shit like you!” An angry male voice comments from behind me.

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