The Haunted Mansion

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*No one's P.O.V*

Jhope: "I'm not going in there." Jhope protested backing away from the mansion. "Didn't you heard of that girl group who died in there because they trespassed like we're doing now." Jin and Jimin walked backed to Jhope.

Jin: "I'm on Jhope's side. I'm too handsome to die." Suga rolled his eyes.

Jungkook: "You all are just scaredy-cats. And it was a bet. You, Jimin-shi, and Jin hyung all lost to the bet. So you have to go."

Jhope: "Why can't we do something else. Like, do 100 pushups every hour for 24 hours."

Jungkook: "That's too easy."

RM: "Come on guys, you did lose the bet. You have to keep your words. No backing out now." Jhope, Jimin, and Jin sighed and walked towards the mansion. V jumped in excitement while going into the mansion.

Jimin: "I have a bad feeling about this."

V: "If it makes you feel better I'll hold your hands. I know that you don't like dark places."

Suga: "Isn't there a light switch or something. I can't see a thing." Jungkook, Suga, and RM all looked for a light switch while Jimin, Jhope, and Jin hugged V for comfort.

RM: "Sorry guys I don't think there's a light switch."

Jimin: "R-really. C-Can't you guys l-look again."

RM: "I'm sorry Jimin. We can't find anything." They all moved deeper into the house. Jin and Jimin got a bit more comfortable in the house but Jhope was still clinging to V. They all heard a noise when they reach a place with a table.

Jimin: "D-Did you guys hear that."

Jungkook: "I really wish you didn't say that hyung."

Jin: "Maybe we should leave."

Jhope: "See!! I told you guys. There's something up with this house." Suddenly the light came on.

Jin: "Please tell me you were the one that turned on the light Namjoon."

RM: "I really wished it was."

Suga: "Everyone. I think we should leave."

Jungkook: "Why hyung."

Suga: "Look at these paintings. Don't you notice something about them." Jhope walked towards the paintings.

JHope: "It's... It's."

RM: "What is it Jhope."

Jhope: "It's the members of Dreamcatcher." Everyone looked at the paintings.

RM: "Are you sure?"

Jhope: "Yes, I'm sure. This one is Kim Min-ji. Stage name JiU. She's the leader. This one is Kim Bo Ra. Her stage name was SuA. This is Lee Si-yeon. Her stage name is just Siyeon. Her name is Handong. It's the same as her stage name. Kim Yoo-hyeon. Her stage name is Yoo-hyun. She is Lee Yoo-bin. Stage name Dami. Last but not least is Lee Ga-hyeon. Stage name Gahyeon. This last picture is all seven of them together."

Jimin: "The question I have is how these pictures actually got here. Didn't they die or something."

Jungkook: "That's what I want to know. Anyways, I think we've snooped around here long enough. We should go."

V: "But we haven't explored upstairs yet."

Jhope: "Nope. Not gonna happen." Jhope grabbed V's hand and walked to the door as fast as he could. The rest of the members followed behind them. Jhope was trying to open the door but it wasn't opening.

Jhope: "Guys." Everyone looked up at Jhope. "The door. It's not opening." Jhope let go of V to use his full strength to try and open the door but it wasn't opening. 

Jin: "Are you sure." Everybody ran to the door and the light went off then the light went back on. Jin looked around. "Where did V go. He was standing right there." 

RM: "If we stay here longer then we'll all die. But we need V. Let's go look for him. We'll split into groups."

Suga: "I know you're the leader and all, but that's a bad idea. I've watched enough horror movies where the main characters are in situations like these. You never split up. If we stick together, someone else could disappear and we'll know that we should look for them." The light went off once again and it turned back on. Suga and Jungkook disappeared this time.

RM: "This is not good. Let's go look upstairs. And we need to hurry." Everyone followed RM upstairs then the lights went off again. When it turned on Jimin was the only one left.

Jimin: "Hyung, V, Jungkook. Anybody? I'm alone. What do I do?"

V: "Jiminie. Help me." Jimin heard V's voice coming from a room. Jimin hesitated a little but he still went to the room. The light went off and Jimin also disappeared.

*Y/N P.O.V.*

2 years later

It's been exactly two years since one of my favorite boy group BTS went missing and exactly three years since one of my favorite girl group dreamcatcher went missing in the haunted mansion. I am going to meet up with my friends to grieve. We usually go to grieve, play some games, and listen to as many songs as we can while dancing their choreography. I'm not really a good dancing but I like to believe that I am. We were playing truth or dare.

Eunjin: "Okay, Hyunki truth or dare."

Hyunki: "Truth. The safest way to go."

Eunjin: "Hmm really. Well then, Who do you like?"

Hyunki: "Well umm." Hyunki looked at me then looked away. "Skip."

Eunjin: "Okaaaay. I dare you to go to the haunted house with Y/N." Both our eyes widened.

Hyunki: "Wait, WHAT!!"

Y/N: "This isn't my dare and I ain't doing that."

Eunjin: "So you would want Hyunki to go by himself."

Y/N: "No but. Everyone who has entered dies. Well, that's what I heard because people are too scared to go in."

Eunjin: "Come on. A dare is a dare."

Y/N: "O-Okay."

Hyunki: "So what do you want us to do once we're there."

Eunjin: "Spend a night there. That shouldn't be too much."

Y/N: "What about you?"

Eunjin: "Bring your phones with you and call me if you need help okay."

Y/N: "Okay. We should get ready and pack our clothes. My phone is at my house charging already. We'll meet at the mansion in one hour. We all went home to get ready.

*No one's P.O.V.*

1 hour later

Y/N and Hyunki were standing in front of the mansion hesitant to go in.

Y/N: "Can we not do this please."

Eunjin: "I'm sorry, but a dare is a dare. Make sure you call me if anything bad happens. I'll rush over to help you guys okay."

Hyunki: "Okay. Thanks." Hyunki and Y/N stood in front of the door. "Wish us luck." Eunjin gave them a thumbs up as they walked in.

Eunjin: "They'll make it out alive I just know it."

[BTS and Dreamcatcher FF] The Haunted MansionWhere stories live. Discover now