Goodbye Gilberts Hello Petrovas

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A/N I'm only doing like a two Amelia scenes which changes Angels future with a few characters. So this might be a short chapter. Also I hope you guys play the song right there it makes the scene much better. Slide to see the outfit. Enjoy it's been a few weeks.

I open my eyes and I feel weird I'm not in the Salvatore home, the dorm or any of my friends house

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I open my eyes and I feel weird I'm not in the Salvatore home, the dorm or any of my friends house. I look over to see Elena looking at me.

Elena: Where the hell are we.

I shake my head: I don't know.

We both try and get up but we're held back by some damn binds I try and use my strength but that shit is a no go.

Elena: What's going on?

We both try and pull the binds off but it doesn't work.

Elena and I: Oh my god.

I think we both know what's happening.

Elena and Angel: Katherine and Amelia.....

I look at Elena: We have to use every amount of strength we have okay these bitches will not win okay.

She nods vigorously: Alright.

Both of our phones ring we look at each other determined and motivated to get the binds off we pull and pull and the binds snap freeing us both as we both go towards are phones both Nadia and Nikolina Petrova stand in are way.

Nadia: Hello Elena.

Nikolina: Hello Angel.

Elena: You.. you put Katherine and Amelia inside of us instead of you guys.

I frown: What why doesn't nobody tell me these things.

Elena: You we're gone.

I remember the events when I was looking for Matt I was with Klaus.

Nadia looks into Elena's eyes and Nikolina looks into mine and says: Vyjdi.

Then everything goes black once more.


Amelia's POV

Katherine is taking out the trash while I'm drinking a beer. Both are daughters approach us.

Nadia: How domestic of you.

Katherine: Apparently, Elena would do this sort of stuff. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for her.

She looks at me: And you get to drink beer I'm starting to feel like I should be in that body.

I chuckle: Yeah well I like this body.

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