Confessions of Fashion

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Here's to not looking like that pretty girl on Instagram,

Do you ever see a certain style that you think you might want to recreate? For me that was this morning. I had seen a few people do their hair up in a messy bun and wear an oversized sweater so I thought I'd give it a go.

I stood in front of the mirror with my hairbrush and hairbands in hand. I was ready to perfect this messy bun. At first, I thought "This can't be too hard." but boy was I wrong. Creating the perfect messy bun is a skill and a form of art. In the end, I gave up. My masterpiece of a messy bun was meh but it was good enough.

I then chucked my oversized grey sweater on and went back to my mirror. I felt pretty good. I still didn't think my messy bun was perfect but I thought I did a pretty good job with this look anyways. That confidence lasted for about 2 minutes.

I went downstairs to have breakfast and on my way to the kitchen, I ran into my older brother, James. I smiled.

"What happened to you? You look like you had a rough night." James stated.

That smile didn't last long and neither did that look. That messy bun and oversized sweater look quickly changed back to my trusty average look: a pair of jeans and a ponytail.

Sincerely, the girl who isn't an Instagram model

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