Chapter Eleven- Safe Now

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Grayson and I were driving back to my house so I could get some more cloths to bring to their house. I was also a little scared because my mom wasn't always the nicest. I was just hoping she wasn't there.

When we arrived, my mothers car was sitting in the driveway.

"Great", I muttered.

"What?", he asks.

"My moms home", I say.

"So", He says.

"I don't know If she's been drinking", I mumble.

"If she's drinking?!", he asks.

"Yep.", I say.

"Wait, are you scared?", he asks.

"No, why?", I ask.

"Because your hands are shaking", he says.

"It's nothing", I say.

"Well it obviously is", he says.

"I'll tell you when I get back in the car", I say climbing out and heading inside.

Thankfully my mother was passed out on the couch and wasn't able to hear me come in. I quietly make my way upstairs and shut my bedroom door. I grab a bag and shove any cloths that are out in the open in it along with anything else I may need or want.

I grab my laptop on the way out along with my camera and go downstairs. I purposely slammed the front door and when I got into the car, my mother was looking through the window, and she was not happy.

"Alright, you got everything?", he asks.

"Yep. Now let's get out of here before that psycho decides to do anything", I say.

"Ok", he says.

During the ride back to his house he asked me a few questions, of which were all pretty easy to answer, until one.

"Do you hate your mom or something? I'm sorry I'm asking that, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just curious", He says.

"Well..", I trail off.

"She wasn't always, the most supportive so to speak", I say.

"Do you mean what I think you mean?", He asks.

"Maybe", I say.

"When I got popular on YouTube she would tend to take the money I earned to buy liquor and different drugs. If I didn't make enough, she would beat me. She was never proud of what I did or what I accomplished, she was always really self centered. The alcohol never helped either.", I say.

He looks at me and nods, allowing me to continue.

"The little bits of money I was able to hide or keep from her, always went to buying food and cloths for us. Rarely, did we go out to eat. But when we did, she would always say how much weight I was gaining, or criticizing how much I ate, but it was because I never got enough food to eat at home. Most nights I would starve. Other people were obviously annoyed and angered at her behavior. Multiple people would approach her whenever we were out and complain about her actions towards me. She just blew them off like nothing mattered.", I say while a single tear falls down my face.

"Sometimes she got so angry at me for no reason and take my food, then tell me to go starve to death. That's when I just broke. I stopped eating, I could go for a week or two until I ate again. I started cutting myself because it seemed to give me some sort of release. I started skipping school and some of my classmates grew concerned because I've never done that before.", I say.

"I just can't stand her", I say while more tears fall from my eyes.

When I look up, we were parked in his driveway and when I looked over, Grayson seemed to be crying too. He reaches over and pulls me into a hug.

"I am so sorry", he says.

"I'm sorry too", I say.

"Why?", he asks.

"For putting up with her, and not getting help sooner. I could've done something, but I was too scared of what she was capable of", I say.

"Well, your safe now", he says kissing my forehead.

"I hope so", I say.

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