18 | say you love him

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'I didn't want to fall in love, not at all, but at some point you smiled and holy shit, I blew it.'

— unknown

OH, SO INGRID WAS going to play the innocent card? Pathetic

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OH, SO INGRID WAS going to play the innocent card? Pathetic. Minhyuk sensed Ri getting worked up and quickly cut in with, "What's going on, Ingrid? Where's Oliver?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Ingrid placed her hands on her hips, her expression turning thoughtful. "Oliver's fine. He's in the car. Which is where you need to be." She grimaced at something and Ri realized it was probably the bullet holes that riddled the sides of the vehicle.

"Oliver's fine," Minhyuk repeated slowly. "And you don't have any idea what just happened."

"Of course I bloody don't!" Ingrid clicked her tongue in annoyance, "At least get off the damn road if you're going to stay in the car." She pointed at the trees lining the road up ahead and said, "drive in there, that's where I parked."

Even if she didn't want to head into the inky black nothingness, Ri felt a hundred times safer staying in the bulletproof vehicle with all the doors locked. Minhyuk steadily drove the car where Ingrid had pointed and stopped when he saw a gorgeous yellow McLaren. The lights were on inside and Oliver sat in the passenger seat, a deep crease between his brows.

He looked up when they stopped next to him and gaped when he realized who they were. In a flash, he got out of the car and ran to Minhyuk's side.

"Minhyuk? You're here?"

Ri couldn't help feeling like he was surprised they were alive. She couldn't trust his concern to be genuine. Through the cracked windows, she glared at him and placed a hand over Minhyuk's arm. The gun glinted in her hand and Oliver's eyes snapped down to it.

"I don't feel good about this, Minhyuk," she whispered. "We're in the woods at god knows when in the night with a mafia boss and your cousin, both of whom we don't know if we can trust, and-"

"If you like, Miss, I can always alert the authorities," Monday said.

"Last resort, M." Ri sighed, "We can't exactly go running to the police about this."

"What are you doing? Get out of the car," outside, Oliver tried to open the door.

Ri's heart stopped for a terrifying second before she remembered that everything was locked down.

"Back off, Oliver," Minhyuk crossed his arms over his chest. "You'll forgive me for not trusting you. The attack we just escaped-"

"You were attacked?!"

"- left us a little shaken."

"You think I got Ingrid to send men to attack you?" The hurt on his face is amplified by the lights of their cars. "We're working together to-" Oliver cut himself off abruptly and Ri's suspicion shot up a thousand fold. "To, uh, fix this mess."

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