Chapter 16

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Hello, beautiful people 💜


Today was the day Taehyung had been dreading. The day of the business party his father had mentioned the day before.

He was currently getting dressed into the suit his father ordered for him. Everyone was getting ready, even his uncle's gold digger, as he liked to call her.

He was still a little upset with Jungkook, but he knew his butler was just trying to do the right thing. That doesn't mean it hurt his feelings any less though. The younger was just going to give up, without even considering fighting for him. He understood... he really did, it just hurt.

A knock at the door ceased his thoughts. "Taehyung?"

"Yes, father?"

"Are you almost ready to go? Everyone else is in the living room." Mr. Kim questioned, smiling as he remembered how uneasy Jungkook looked as he fidgeted on the couch.

"Yes, I'm coming out now." Taehyung responded as he checked himself out in the mirror one more time.

Out of the closet? Taehyung's father thought as he internally chuckled at his own lame joke.

"Why are you smiling for no reason?" Taehyung looked at his father like he was crazy as he closed his bedroom door.

Mr. Kim coughed, trying to hide his smile behind a fist. "Oh nothing. Let's not keep everyone waiting any longer." The older said as he walked down the hall and disappeared into the living room.

My father has lost it, was all Taehyung could think as he followed him.

As soon as he walked into the living room he saw his father, his uncle, the gold digger, Yoongi, and then his eyes finally landed on his butler.

Jungkook stood up from the couch and shifted nervously, waiting for his master to walk over to him or at least acknowledge his presence.

But Taehyung kept walking, following his father and uncle outside towards one of their many cars. When he heard obnoxiously loud laughter he turned around and saw the gold digger laughing as she slapped Jungkook's arm.

What the hell is so damn funny?

Taehyung gritted his teeth, not paying attention as he walked right into Yoongi.

"My bad, Yoongi. I wasn't really paying attention," Taehyung sighed as he took another glance at Jungkook, whose face was void of emotion as the witch continued to cackle.

"I noticed, sir." Yoongi chuckled. "You know he's crazy about you, right?"

Taehyung thought he almost got whiplash at how fast he turned his focus back towards his other butler. "Huh?"

Yoongi gave him a knowing look, "You know what I'm talking about. I see how he looks at you, even when you don't."

At that Yoongi walked off, leaving Taehyung there with his mouth agape. He decided to steal another glance at Jungkook, who was glaring in the direction Yoongi just went.

"Everyone, listen up." Mr. Kim said. "We will be taking two cars. We could order a limo, but honestly that's a lot of effort that I don't have. So, Taehyung you will be riding with Jungkook and Yoongi. I will take the other car with your uncle and Jennie."

Taehyung's uncle did not look happy with the idea. "Why is your son going to ride with the butlers?"

"Because brother, we have business to discuss." Mr. Kim gave him a look, signaling something only they know.

Taehyung could tell his uncle still didn't approve, but he got in the car anyway.

Mr. Kim winked at his son before getting in the driver's seat of the car his uncle had just got in.

"Mr. Taehyung, I'll drive," Yoongi said and Taehyung nodded as he got in the passenger seat, leaving Jungkook to sit in the back.


Ugh guys, I'm sorry. I know that was a short chapter, but i'm in the car right now on a trip. I had to get up early and I could not sleep last night to save my life. I'm so tireddd
But anyway, hope you guys have a great day!

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