Chapter 22

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I bought 3 boxes of pocky today soo i'm happy (:  i also got 2 yesterday oops— my mom called me addicted

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I bought 3 boxes of pocky today soo i'm happy (: i also got 2 yesterday oops—
my mom called me addicted.


"Father, have you found anything yet?" Taehyung tapped his foot against the floor impatiently, getting more anxious by the second.

Mr. Kim sighed as he ran a hand through his greying hair, "Not much. I have a feeling that your ex, Namjoon, is involved though."

The younger figured as much. "Well, why don't we just go to Namjoon's house to check for ourselves?"

"Son, it isn't that simple."

Taehyung crossed his arms incredulously, "And why not?"

Mr. Kim opened his mouth to speak, looking up in thought. "You're right. Let's go."

The two made their way out to the car and started the short drive to Namjoon's, not even bothering to think of what they were gonna say when they got there.

Upon arrival, they got out and walked up to the door before knocking a few times. When the door opened it revealed a more than shocked Jungkook.

Jungkook quickly tried to shut the door in their faces before they all heard a, "Jungkook, who is it?" As Namjoon walked up and stood next to the butler.

"Oh," Namjoon smirked evilly. "I thought this might happen. Come on in." He stepped aside to let Taehyung and his father inside.

Taehyung glared at his ex as he walked past, quickly turning around to face everyone else after he walked into the living room.

"Please have a seat." Namjoon flashed the fakest smile Taehyung had ever seen. "Oh, Jungkook, sit next to me." He smiled sweetly at the butler.

Jungkook sat down with enough room for another person to fit between them.

"Closer," Namjoon said through clenched teeth. Jungkook bit down, making his jaw flex before scooting a lot closer to the older.

"I didn't come here to make small talk. Tell me what's going on right now." Taehyung declared certainly, while his father nodded his head in agreement.

"Always one to get straight to the point," Namjoon tsked. "Okay, we'll have it your way. Jungkook is now my butler. That's all there is to it."

Taehyung glared at the older, "I don't believe that for a second. I don't have time for your lies."

"Oh? But it's not a lie. Is it my sweet?" Namjoon asked as he kissed Jungkook's cheek.

The younger showed no emotion as mumbled out a 'no'.

Satisfied, Namjoon turned back towards Taehyung and his father. "See? Jungkook got tired of you. It's that simple. I'm terribly sorry if that upsets you—"

"No you're not," Taehyung interrupted. "You got what you've always wanted. I guess Jungkook decided what he wanted too."

Hearing his name made Jungkook look up. Seeing the tears in Taehyung's eyes broke his heart into tiny, little pieces.

"I understand, Jungkook. I- I wasn't giving you what you needed. The three w- words you needed." Taehyung stuttered out, trying to control his tears. "I'm s- sorry." He choked out, before running to the door, his father close behind him.

Taehyung stopped at the door, "I would say—"

He stopped, trying to keep from choking up. "I would say I hope you're happy, but I don't think you are. Did you suddenly just stop loving me?" The older questioned while staring at his previous butler, right into his eyes. "Tell me you don't l- love me and don't want to be with m- me anymore."

At Taehyung's words, everyone in the room turned to look at Jungkook, each one of them curious to hear his response.


Today I got some string lights to hang up in my room and they're pretty. Idk why but they relax me. Also I'm not very happy with this chapter. It kinda sucks Ik. Idk what im doing with my life 😂

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