Chapter 1(Amna)

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There was cool breeze outside and she was sitting in the corridor for some fresh air, she was going through some celebrities magazines and also having refreshment when Manal walked into the corridor and said to her, Mum is calling us for lunch, she was just concentrated on her Social life stuff that she just said 'I am not hungry' just go!
Manal left and told mum so they ate dinner alone.

Amna! Amna! Hurry before it's late for the Wedding Manal called! She was at her closet picking the best outfit perfect for the Wedding.
Amna's P. O. V
Hmm.... What would I wear for the Wedding? Maybe I should go through some fashion magazines, I was going through some fashion magazines and I came across a photo of a perfect outfit for wedding it was a combination of Navy blue and red fitted gown, I went to my closet and picked a red gown with a navy blue head tie. Manal has already gone mad because we're so late for the Wedding and I kept her waiting. I went downstairs and straight to the parking lot I saw Manal in her car I went straight to her and apologized for the delay she was angry and told me to just enter the car before we miss the wedding.
Manal and Amna are at the wedding, and were both having fun the wedding lasted for only an hour because of their delay so they drove back home. After they were back Amna went straight to her room to have a nap because she was tired, on reaching to her room she took her phone and set an alarm to wake up early.

It was bright and sunny in the morning, Amna is already awake she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
Amna's P. O. V
Yes, I will be making breakfast today, what will I prepare i checked my Instagram and searched for a popular bloggers page and surprisingly I saw her first post to be Quinoa chips served with Guacamole so I got all the ingredients for making it and it took me more than 2 hours to finish preparing it. I set the food on the dining table and went to call my mum and sister for breakfast I reached to their room and they were sound asleep I woke them up and told them that breakfast is ready, after some time they came down and they went straight to the dining room they were really hungry so they ate the food. I thought they were going to ask me what type of food was that and how did I know it but they didn't maybe because they were hungry
I laughed in my mind.
Mum? Manal called, when are we going to the shopping mall, Amna heard her so she went to Mum and asked her if she can follow them, Mum replied by saying yes. Manal was jealous because Amna is following them to the shopping mall all because she shops more than her___ Jealousy.

They were ready to go so they went to one of the most popular mall in Abuja, Jabi Lake Mall they all shopped but Amna shopped most, they were through with the shopping stuff they paid and went back home. Manal went back home with a single shopping bag (well she's not a good shopper) and their Mum too while Amna came back home with a lot of shopping bags and was really tired (with all many things she bought) so she head to her room and fall on her bed with the bags.

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It was all designers stuffs Amna bought because she normally see famous people putting on celebrity stuff so she wants to be like them(a social life, she wants to be a person that does too much, copy famous people lifestyle)

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It was all designers stuffs Amna bought because she normally see famous people putting on celebrity stuff so she wants to be like them(a social life, she wants to be a person that does too much, copy famous people lifestyle).

At night Amna, Manal and their mum were chatting about celebrities and Amna was the head of the chat because celebs are her thing, Manal and their mum are not into celebrity life so they were opposing on her celebrity talk at last her Mum told her that anyone who copies another person's lifestyle or anything will one day lead that person to harm, Amna didn't listen and said to her Mum celebrities and copying their lifestyle is my thing I can never go back my words, she stood up frustrated and went back to her room her Mum and Manal laughed and they continued chatting until it was late and they went to bed. Meanwhile Amna was in her room angry with what her Mum told her she was so angry that nothing could cool her mind unless she go through her celebrity thing so she took her phone and tap on Twitter she look at some celebrities news and some interesting facts after-time she was cheered up and felt better so she fell asleep ASAP.

Daughters! Come down now mum called but no one came down so she went to both their rooms and waked them up to come down they came down and were still carrying bags on their eyes but they sat still and waited to hear what their mum is going to tell them, maybe she's going to apologize to me on what she told me last night Amna thought in her mind, Manal thought maybe Amna is going to be dealt for what she told mum last night she laughed in her mind. Mum then said don't you know what's today she asked them? Your birthday? Amna said, uhmm..... A special day in your life or something? Manal guessed,No you girls don't tell me you have forgotten that today marks 10 years after the death of your father OMG Amna said with a soft voice I forgotten she then wept Manal was dazed and remembers her last word with him 'she always remembers that' May your soul rest in perfect peace they all said.
It was an awful day throughout and it seems like it was the day he died,they prayed for him throughout the day and asked for forgiveness from God that day always serves as the most awful day in their lives and also the most prayerful day.

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