The Betrayal

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Bakugou POV:
I walked down the halls when I bumped into that shitty nerd. Heh, just being next to him pisses me off. I started to talk shit to him; to my surprise he shot me down with a stone cold glare. I could see the fucking red spots on his eyes,  he looks like a madman blinded in a rage of fury. "W-what Deku?!" I managed. He said nothing and just trudged on. It's not possible that he knew that I banged round face. Is it?

Izuku's POV
I solemnly walk to the principal's office. (Cuz de cinnamon roll never gets in trouble😂) I noticed a figure appear before me, immediately recognizing that face. Kacchan walked along the halls and noticed me. I felt something bubbling inside of me, something that I was clueless about. His angry gaze landed upon my eyes, I snapped. Something inside me switched, I glared straight back at him, maybe even more intense than he was glaring at me. This caused him to be startled and panic. I walked pass him and smirked. This new feeling feels absolutely amazing.

Narrative POV:
Izuku walks into Principal Nezu's office, to his surprise all the teachers were there except for Aizawa since he was teaching a class at the moment. Nezu began," Izuku Midoriya, you probably are wondering why we called you here." Izuku nodes. "To be frank, we think that you are a spy sent to befriend All Might and infiltrate U.A," says Nezu. Deku glanced over to All Might for comfort and help, however, All Might just stared at Izuku with a pissed off look on his face. Izuku felt like he was socked in the face. The boy worked, tried his hardest to live up to All Might's expectations. He never wanted to be the main character, all that he wanted was to fit in. When he finally thought he had truly found a home, to now realize that they had never welcomed him to begin with hurts. Izuku said nothing except for a simple nod. "The trial will be held 2 days from now, and your 'friends' will be the judge to decide whether you live or not.

-2 days later-

Izuku's POV:
What did I do to deserve this? I'm chained onto a pole while people fill in to spectate. After a few minutes all the students occupied the seats. "AHEM, WE WILL NOW BEGAN THE TRIAL OF MIDORIYA IZUKU WHO IS THOUGHT TO BE A TRAITOR," boomed President Mic's voice. The trial went pretty fast, people stating information they had. It was finally almost the end of the case. President Mic announces that Class 1-A needs to step onto the podium. "FOR THOSE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND, SINCE 1-A HAS BEEN WITH MIDORIYA THE MOST, IT'S ONLY FAIR THAT THEY GET TO DECIDES HIS SENTENCE," shouted Mic. My eyes glistened, hoping that they would understand that I wasn't the one who was the traitor. However, all I saw were painful flares of eyes accusing me for the crime I didn't commit. I knew it was over, I held my head down hoping my time of death would quickly come. "Those who are not in favor of Midoriya's sentence, raise their hand," spoke Aizawa calmly. Only 2 people raised their hand, Todoroki and Lida. I glanced over at them, and gave them a smile with the last piece of sympathy I had left in me. "I think the result is clear, Midoriya Izuku you are hereby sentence to 100 years in prison," Aizawa said almost as if he was holding back tears. "Any last words shitty nerd!?" spat Kacchan.

Todoroki's POV:
That piece of shit excuse of a person actually said it. I glared at Bakugou but his eyes were fixated on Midoriya. Izuku sighed. "First of all, I would like to thank President Mic for never shutting the FUCK UP," sneered Izuku. Many gasped, I was surprised too, Izuku's eyes looked as if all the color has drained out and filled with anger, sorrow and agony. I understood him, he wants revenge so bad that he would do anything for it. I was like that along time ago, the sad part was that he pulled me through the darkest times of my life and accept me for what I am. (The UA tournament Arc fyi :3) "Bakugou,"he spat, "Good luck with Ochako, I'm surprised she even felt anything when you banged her. After all you are the 2 inch wonder." Bakugou and Ochako both had flustered faces. They looked at the class for comfort but we were all trying hard not to laugh. Izuku continues to talk smack to All Might, and mostly all the teachers.

Bakagou's POV: (And no I didn't make a mistake on his name :p)
"Deku, please stop this," I pleaded. This was the first time in many years that I felt actual fear. Shitty nerd didn't just look angry, for a few minutes he represented anger in it's entirety. "And to you, my dear 'friends'," he spat, "Do not think that this will be the end of me, you will see the full extent of my sorrow. Vengeance will be sweet, oh yes it will." Before we could even move a hand was placed on him and he vanished... "I'm sorry shitty nerd, I'm so sorry," I murmured as tears fell down my eyes. (Bakugou apologizing, Whhhaattttt😱)

Phew, I'm really not good at writing, did you guys enjoy this chapter? My broccoli boi finally snapped, what will happen next? Find out on the next episode of Drago- sorry wrong show 😂

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