Chapter 3

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That morning, the same day Kuroko came to Seirin, the MiraGen walked slowly towards their respective classes. As Akashi and Midorima walked towards 1-A, their heads were occupied bythe events that happen earlier, and not only them,Kise, Aomine and Murasakibara, who had a different class, were also thinking about it. Kuroko Tetsuya, the teal haired male, who succeed in scaring them, was now, officially, their keeper. That was bad.

As soon as Aomine arrived at his class, together with Murasakibara, he made a growling sound while walking. His mind was still occupied by the same teal haired guy and for the first time, he didn't think about busty girl! Everything the teachers taught didn't seem to stay long inside of his mind. Even though it was usual for him to stay unfocused inside of the classes, he usually slept until the bell rang.

But today, surprisingly he didn't sleep even a wink. That was new record for him. The face of Kuroko Tetsuya kept on haunting him and he hated it. As Aomine turned his head towards the window – his sat beside the window – he could see that Kuroko and their coach were walking around the school and maybe to the cafeteria to grab something to eat since it was still morning. In fact, he actually didn't see the teal haired male. Thanks to Riko who hit Kuroko's back, he could see him. Riko was laughing when Kuroko told her something.

For some reason, something inside of him snapped into pieces.

"Urgh, I hate this!" He silently yelled since he was in the middle of class and he didn't want to get detention.


Murasakibara, who is watching the teacher, slowly dropped his head to the table. He was bored. There's nothing interesting at all to attract him. He took out the candy that he kept in the pocket of his Seirin gakuran, before slowly opening the wrapping, it was honey dew flavored. When he turned his attention towards where the tan guy was, he saw something that he always saw when they played basketball.

Aomine Daiki was emitting dark aura.

He stared at the back of his team mates head, before his eyes caught onto something. It was a teal colored blur. He somewhat couldn't recognize what it was. Before long, he turns his attention to the white boards back.



It's hell for him. Why did the teacher have to be absent at a critical time! Kise Ryota tried the besthe could to ignore and rejects all the girls in his class who kept on insisting he go on dates with them. Frankly, he hated this situation! He too, wants freedom like that of normal teenagers. Why did he accept to work as model in the first place? He'd would have chosen a normal life, if heknew that this would happen.

The screeching sound of door being snapped open shifted his attention towards the person who just came inside. He was relieved to see thatfinally, a substitute teacher had come and also immediately quieted the girls that were surrounding the poor model. He was so glad that the teacher was capable of stopping them from fan-girling over him. The substitute teacher started the class as usual but for some reason, Kise couldn't concentrate at all.

His mind wandered towards the guy Riko had introduced as her friend since high school. Something about the male made him feel something strange, something that he can't put it into words. He put his arm on the table before resting his chin on top of his arm.

"Huh, I'm bored already…" He murmured as a yawn escaped his mouth.

"Ah, if I'm not wrong, that guy, Kuroko Tetsuya is going to be our keeper. Huh, what do people think about us –ssu." Kise's thoughts stopped there when the teachersuddenly hit his head with his book and scolded him.

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