Part 1 The Beginning Of A New Life?

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Hi guys this is my first fanfic so there could be some typos and some bad grammers.

Hello, my name is Lydia Kurogane, i am currently 16 years old in my first year of highschool. My parents Lily Kurogane and Ian Kurogane passed away caused by a car accident during the winter. I am walking home with my best friends Yunni and Hana. Yunni has light brown, long hair, and green eyes. She likes to play the violin. Hana has dark blue, medium length hair, and brown eyes. She plays soccer.

Hana : " Im hungry" she said in a whiny voice

Yunni : " Hana don't you always say that when we're walking"

Hana : " Yeah but food is the king of this world no one can resist its beauty +_+ "

Lydia : " You have a weird imagination, but you do have a point"

Hana : " Yup haha"

Sooner we wen't our seperate ways. Once i got home i greeted my picture of my deceased parents.

Lydia : " Im back from school :)"

I wen't and change out of my school uniform, after changing i saw the mail man putting some letters in the mail box.

After he left i wen't to the mail box and saw some letter, i found one that was handwritten so i decided to read it first.

Lydia : ' No name of the sender?' i thought.

Once i open the envelope i read the letter.

Lydia : ' Dear Miss Kurogane Lydia, If you go to this address your life will be changed forever '

I was shocked the words written in this letter felt like it was a little scary

But would it be better? Everything has always been the same would it be good to make a change in my life?

As a child, mom and dad was always working, but they would still provide for me and always help me if i had problems. But it always felt like i was empty and alone. Like they weren't my parents but even if they weren't i'd still acknowledge them as my parents.

Lydia : ' what am i thinking -_- of course their my real parents '

Suddenly my phone started to ring

Lydia : " Hello?" i answered

" Hello Lydia"

Lydia : " Oh hello grandmother, how has your day been?"

Grandmother : " it's been very good thank you, did you get that letter i sent to you?"

Lydia : " I did get it, you were the one who sent it?"

Grandmother : " Yes i did, sorry i didn't put my name on it i was in a hurry"

Lydia : " Oh no it's fine, but why did you send it?"

Grandmother : " Lydia i know how you've been living in that house by yourself, since that accident, so i thought you should move in then you wont be lonly there"

Lydia : " Oh who are the people who live there?"

Grandmother : " I know their father there are at least 6 brothers that are living together, their called the Sakamaki brothers, and then there are the other four adoptive brothers the Mukami's, but they live somewhere else"

Lydia : ' wow 10 sons' i thought'

Grandmother: " you will be going there during spring break, then after you've settle in there you will go to a different school"

Lydia : " Grandmother are you sure this is the right choice?"

Grandmother : "Its depends if you make it a bad or a good choice"

Lydia : ' What?' i thought.

Grandmother : " Well anyway there will be a driver picking you up on the first day of spring break, the house you are living in will be selled later on and the money will go to you"

Lydia : " Okay"

Grandmother : " Oh i almost forgot im sending some stylist to give you a make over before the driver picks you up"

Lydia : "What?! Why!?"

Grandmother : "Of course to look beatiful for them =w=" she said in a weird voice

i blushed and hung up the phone, what is grandmother thinking!? for pete sake im blushing that i tranform to a tomato. But i was kinda happy though, i skiped to my house while humming happily.

A/N Hello readers! how was the first chapter? Plz vote, comment,and follow. Please give any suggestions i am willing to improve the story to make it better. thanks for reading :). Tammy out :3


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