Part 18 A Start To A New Self?

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Hello readers! Sorry I haven't updated quicker, I've been busy with school and also I had to attend family events! But anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I felt light headed, while laying on a hard floor.

I opened my eyes and saw a room that look like an abandon room, but judging from the papers, books it seem like someone was staying here.

I looked around and saw a dress that was drenched in blood, and was teared, which made the rose on it stand out.

Right next to it was a dark blue dress, that had blood stain where a person heart would be.And it was teared.

Just then there was something standing in front of me

???: " you woke up early"

I focused and saw a man with long dark green hair, dressed in all black.

It felt like I met him before, when I was thinking this he placed his hand over my head and I black out (AGAIN)

Dream/idek 😂-

There was a lady with black hair and golden eyes, which was probably Arisa Shinoyuki, my mother.

She was running, and stop in front of a house, the door was open revealing a girl the same age as my mother, with dark purple hair and eyes, long hair and bangs.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but my mother was crying, and giving a little girl that was passed out.


Once I blinked I was in a garden filled with flowers and butterflies, and in front of me was my mom

Mom: " my, you've grown so much Kiyomi, or should I say Lydia"

Lydia: " how can I talk to you right now, am I dead?!"

Mom: " your not dead, it's the same thing as how you can tell the future, but mine is different"

Mom: " anyway I have to tell you something important"

Lydia: " what is it ?"

Mom: " be extra careful with that guy with green hair, his name is Richter you should remember him from the past"

Oh now i remember he would always be with Cordelia

Mom: " his kidnap you because he is trying to revive me, by using your body, of course if he did I would not have control over my body"

Lydia: " why does he want to revive you?"

Mom: " he wants to communicate to Cordelia, he hasn't found the human who has her heart, which means he is using me for power"

Lydia: " so then what do I do?! "

Mom: " I can help you, I can unlock your true power, we locked this power because it could've killed you in the past"

She put her hand like in a high five position, and I did the same connecting our hands, I felt different.


I woke up and felt like a whole different person, the room was almost ruined.

How was this chapter? Please vote, follow me if you haven't! Thanks for reading, and Tammy out~


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