Chapter three: truth or dare

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Again sorry for and mistakes my iPods very stupid



Austin's POV:

When I got back to the counter Harry was bringing back the rest of the tea, once he saw me he gave he stopped and gave me one of those half-smiles, and lemme just tell you he's definently grown on me, with his curls and deep green eyes... My thoughts were cut off by the phone ringing, probably just Alexis checking up on how the coffee house is doing

"hello?" I answered "hey chica! How's it going you havnt bured the place down yet?" Yepp that's definently Alexis. "ha ha, i havnt burned it down, but you'll never guess who came in here" yea she's not a fan but she likes famous people. "who?" "one direction" the second I said it she started screaming into the phone "AHHHHH, oh my god!! Ask them if they know Ryan gossling!!" yep I have a crazy friend who has a weird obsession with Ryan gossling (A/N: from the notebook he plays noah) "hold on a sec, lemme ask them" I said while putting the phone down.

"hey guys", they all looked up " do you know Ryan gossling?" "no I wish though!" Harry said.

"hahah okay" then I picked back up the phone "sorry they don't know him" "awee okay, well I gotta go, se ya later!" "Kay bye!"

I put the phone back down and leant down against the counter "hey austin, come over here" Louis said and motioned for me to go sit at their table. Once I sat down with them he asked "so why did you want to know if we knew Ryan gossling?"

"oh because my friend has a weird obsession with him and told me to ask" I said while laughing a bit "ohhh, so tell us about yourself" he said "okay, well I'm 17 years old I just gradiated from highschool, a year early. Im going to college in a out two weeks. Im usually listening to music, I like singing and I can sorta play the piano, Ive worked here at the coffee house for a couple of years now, Yepp that's about it."

"oooo! You sing?! You should sing for us sometime!" Louis yelled," ehhh nahh I'm not all that good, so if you guys don't need anything else I'll be getting back to wor-" "you don't have to go back to work there's no one else here!" Louis interrupted "I have and idea we should play truth or dare!!!" "uhm sure?" I said.

Okay Louis, truth or dare?" Liam asked turning to Louis, "uhm truth? WAIT no! Dare!" "haha okay, hmm I dare you to call one of your sisters and tell her that you think your gay." Louis just shook his head but reluctantly took out his phone and called Lottie.

"hey Lottie.....yea...well I've got some news.... Uh I think I'm gay?... Yea to you later"

The second he hung up everyone started laughing hysterically excpesially Niall, "guys it's not that funny, now she thinks I'm gay" Louis said with a frown while crossing his arms over his chest, "oh wellll, I'll just explain it to her later, so Austin, truth or dare" Louis questioned me with a mischievous grin on his face.

Shit, he's gunna get back at me for laughing at him "uhhh, dare?" I said kinda uncertain. That just made his grin grow larger "okay, I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with....." don't say Harry don't say Harry "Harry" "but-" "you eigther do that or let us take a picture of you guys kissing so we can put it on twitter"

"I really can't win with eigther of those can I?" "nope now you two go to the supply closet" he said while pointing in the direction of the near by closet.

Once we got in I heard them locked the door. "sooo how's life?" Harry just laughed at my attempt to make conversation, "you know, you're really beautiful" right when he said that I felt a blush creep to my cheeks, so I tried hiding in by looking to the ground...(A/N when you look at the ground it ain't hard to tell, hahah just had to put it in there) he just lifted my chin up so I was looking at him in the eyes, "you're even cuter when you blush" and with that he kissed me. He placed his hands on my waist and my hands found their way to his curls.

Immediately I felt sparks, but they weren't the same as when are hands touched, they were much more, more like fireworks.

By the time the door opened back up we were full on making out, "awee look at the lovebirds" Louis exclaimed happily, "okay you guys can stop now..... Common guys, enough with the PDA!!.... Harry, stop, we don't need any miny yous running around!!" Louis was just going on and on trying to get us to pull away.

I felt Harry smile into the kiss before we both pulled away, I looked up at his green eyes to see him grinning at me.


Aweee how cute, they finally kissed:)

Soo while I was writing this I was listening to the radio and they said that Louis is going deaf in his right ear because in that ear he has tendinitis or sumthin like that? I sure do hope it's just a rumour:(

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