Chapter four: college

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Soo sorry that I havnt updated for a while, I kinda new what I wanted to write, but I didn't exactly know how to write it? If that makes any sense at all haha. Welll here's chapter four! Enjoy:)



Austin's POV:

It's been a week since I saw Harry and the rest of his band mates, and that kiss is all I've been able to think about. After we kissed the police showed up and got the boys out safely, but too quickly. They left before I could get any of their numbers so there's no way for me to contact them.

As I look around my room looking for anything that I missed before I leave, I still catch myself thinking back to that kiss... Oh well, I'll probably never even see them again so there's no point in getting too attached. I'm finally getting out of the town I grew up in and Im going to college!! And the best part, is I'm going to the university of London!!! Awesome right? Well I guess it's time to go, I have a longg plane ride to England.

After saying good bye to my parents and brother and sister I was FINALLY sitting on the plane waiting for it to take off. I was starting to get a bit nervous cause this was my first time on a plane not to mention I was alone! Welll, there were people around me, but they're complete strangers and I do NOT feel like venting out all of my feeling of being terrified to someone who could care less.

Once the plane took off I was feeling less nervous and more anxious to arrive in London.... I wonder what it's like there... Since I had a long plane ride ahead of me I decide to listen to some music.... One of my favorite songs, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, came on! And with that I started drifting off to sleep...

********AROUND THE SAME TIME***********

Harry's POV:

Something about her... I just couldn't seem to forget. The way she carried herself, she had confidence but she wasn't stuck up. And that kiss.. That's all I could think about this past week. I hate that we were rushed out and didn't get a chance to exchange numbers.. Right away we were rushed to the air port and flown to London, we've been settling back into our flats for this past week since we still had time off, in fact, we still had another week off.

I should probably try to stop thinking about Austin... And that kiss, because sadly, we probably wont ever see each other again.

Louis' POV:

Hmm Harry hasn't been himself since we got back.. Actually, he hasn't been himself since we were rushed out of the coffee shop! Awee my little boo bear has a crush!

Austin's POV:

I was awoken by the person next me shaking me and telling me that we had landed, I just mumbled a thanks in return as I stretched out my tensed muscles. Wow, I actually slept through the whole flight!

Once I grabbed my bags, which were a lot since I was in a completely different continent and I was going to college, I flagged down a taxi and hopped in. (A/N: I'm American, so I dunno if British people flag down taxi's, or if they even have taxi's in London? But just bear with me) after telling the driver the address of my apartment complex , I settled into my seat and looked out the window at my surroundings. Wow London sure is beautiful..

After about a 10 minute drive the taxi stopped in front of this amazing complex! It was huge! I can only imagine how big the apartments are, or as they say in the UK 'flats', I quickly paid and thanked the driver then grabbed my bags and started into the lobby area to get my key. Once I got it I headed up to my new 'flat' which was wayy up on the 15th floor! The second I opened the door I was flabbergasted, it. Was. Huge. Not to mention sims gorgeous!

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