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my mother.

my mother was sitting by sehun's bed with the support of my younger sister next to her. their eyes are teary... i turned around and left before i could break down there and then since my mother's tears are my weakness which would lead to them noticing me and worrying even more and i didn't want that.

so i went straight back to my room only to meet with shirtless jungkook searching for something and i don't know why but my heart suddenly started beating fast, the sight making my cheeks heat up.

i faked a cough which made him notice me.

"are you hot?" i asked.

"hm, i think you should judge yourself" he said with a wink, stepping closer so i could see his perfectly toned body.

"you idiot" i mutter under my breath, mentally thanking god that the room is dark so he doesn't see my crimson red coloured cheeks.

"i was t-thinking a-about the h-heat in the r-oom" why did i have to stutter, fuck. i hope that didn't come off as weird.

"sure you did, lalisa" he shook his head with a smile.

holy shit that was beautif-

what is wrong with me?

i clicked my tongue before asking "where are you going?" since i saw him heading for the door after putting a shirt on.

"to the beach, and you're coming with me" he took my hand but i snatched it away from him.

"are you out of your mind?! we can't get caught-" he interrupted me with his index finger on my lips and i huff in annoyance since i hate being interrupted, but i let it slip, again.

"hush, love, it'll be fun! plus, we'll get back in the morning. nobody will notice and i'll take care of you. now come" he again took my hand and i found myself quiet.


"oh my god i'm wet"

"ahhh, j-jungkook!" i gasped.

"oh my god, ahhhh!"


"s-stop, oh god, ahhhhhhh!"

i was running out of breath while he was tickling me and splashing me with cold water every now and then.

"jung-k-kook, i-i s-wear to g-god! ahh! it's enough!" i managed to escape his grasp and run away, but it doesn't last for long.

he ran after me and caught me from behind, well basically hugged me, but you get the point.
my clumsy self had to trip on the sand and drag him with me. i closed my eyes tightly after landing on the soft ground beneath me. i sighed and opened my eyes to meet with his orbs piercing right through my soul.

the position we were in currently was awkward. and i mean very awkward, with him on top of me and his arms on both of my sides. i gulped and froze at the realization. he had a smug smile on his face. this isn't okay.
why is he smiling like that?!

he got close. too close, and i swear i could see his pink tinted cheeks under the moonlight that was shining on his face.

"i caught you" he whispered on my ear which was enough to send shivers down my spine.

i really want to kiss him.

wait what


"mom, lianne, i really am okay, you don't need to worry" lisa repeated for the nth time to her mother and sister. her chest still did hurt but it wasn't unbearable kind of pain. she was shot through her chest, and yet she felt the minimum of pain. it was only then when it hit her that she basically became numb to any sort of harm, and she wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad thing.

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