55. Confessed to his Angel

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Sanskar came inside to see a girl was tied to chair. Her eyes were blindfolded and mouth was taped so that she may not shout.. he look at her angrily and then move toward her dangerously...

He  came forward and stand in front of her.. then he sign his men to remove her blindfold...

The girl blinks her eyes several times to fully open her eyes and get clear view.. and then she look in front of her and got shocked to find him..  Sanskar smirked to see her reaction..

Sanskar:( smirked) what happened? Are you shocked to find me here, MRS. RAGINI LAKSH MAHESHWARI? Just like you were shocked to see me alive even after that accident which was planned by you and my so called ex wife Kavita...

Ragini eyes widened.. that means he only kidnapped her..

Sanskar: what? I think u r not small innocent kid that I would have to tell u that you are kidnapped by me only.. oh sorry.. how can I forget.. u can never be innocent.. you are just a self obsessed girl who can do anything to satisfy her needs and ego..

He moved toward her and remove the tape from her mouth with so much force that it hurt..

Ragini: aahh!!!...

Sanskar: sshhh!!.. don't.. there is many more to come ... Just wait and watch..

Ragini:( angry) Sanskar!!!.. what the hell is this? How can you kidnap ur own brother's wife.. I can never think that u will stoop so low.. what u want to prove haan?..

Sanskar got angry by her word and shout making her afraid..

Sanskar:( shout) SHUT UP!!!.. I don't need ur advice on what I should do or what not.. and who are u to give me lecture.. you are right I can never think to kidnap my own brother's wife but what to do ,u r not worth of it.. you are just a selfish woman who cannot think about anyone even for Laksh who love you more than his life. He doesn't even have idea   about your deeds.. so tell me Ragini how can you stoop so low to trap ur own husband for killing his brother.. how can you stoop so low to try to kill me just to make Swara's life hell.. how can you stoop so low to snatch your own sister's happiness?

Ragini: what are talking about ? I ..  I.. can't.. understand you..

Sanskar: oh I m sorry.. am I talking in Chinese that u don't understand or you don't want to accept ur own deeds MRS RAGINI MAHESHWARI??
I know very well u r with Kavita in her plan..

Ragini: what Kavita? What plan? What are you talking , Kavita is ur wife na..  and u r happy with her .. then why she will plan against you . She also love you.. and why will I do anything to you? And I have met Kavita at time when she came mm.

Sanskar was getting angry..  this girl is lying again and again..

Sanskar: so u didn't meet her before?
Ragini: no..
Sanskar: don't lie ragini.. I have proof... Karan..

Karan nods..and give his phone.

Ragini see it and widen her eye..

Sanskar show her a photo and say: if you don't know Kavita then what were u doing with her in this coffee shop.. as if you said u never saw her before she came back..then what were doing with her just the day before she came..   

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