63. Guilt of hurting her again

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Laksh was in his thoughts and remembered how he shout on Tanya unnecessarily. It was really not him.
He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair calm himself.

Tanya was arranging her things in bag as it was her time to go. She was keeping her things when her pen fell down , she was about to take it when someone give it to her. Tanya look up to see the person and gulp. She remembered Morning incidence how angry he was. He was Laksh.

Laksh: here take it.
Tanya nods and take that. You here sir? Do you need anything?

Laksh: hmm.. yeah.. woh.
He take a deep breathe and say: I n sorry Tanya for morning. I should not have shouted. I think I over reacted. You are one of the responsible and trust worthy employee.. i should have polite..

Tanya: ( surprised) what?
Laksh: huh!!
Tanya:I .. I mean, no problem sir.. I know u were worried for meeting. I understand. It's ok.. it happens sometimes.

Laksh: thanks for understanding.

Tanya nods. Laksh go from there. Tanya smiled and then took her bag and go out.

The scene was witnessed by Sanskar and he smiled to see Laksh accept his mistake.

Sanskar tell everything what happened in office to Swara. Firstly she got worried for Laksh but then she was glad that Sanskar handled everything.

Swara:( sign) I m happy ,he accept it and you handled everything. I told u , u r best brother.
Sanskar smiled.

Sanskar: hmm... So, I m only best brother.. not anything else.. what about husband?

Swara smiled:( sign) you are best husband too.

Sanskar: let me remember something, yeah , your husband was angry on u..

Swara: ( sign) I thought I did something to vanish his anger..

Sanskar: ( wrapped his hand around her waist) hmm, but that worked for only fifty percent what about another fifty percent. You didn't let me respond so... I think I should....
( Lean toward her but Swara put her hand on his mouth)

Swara:( sign) not now..
Sanskar:( puppy face) but Swara..
Swara:( sign) let's go.. it's time for dinner.
Sanskar: okay but before that u have to promise that u will let me finish my work after that..

Swara:( sign) will see..

She pushed him and go out of room. Sanskar go and change then he also go downstairs.

Days passed... For swasan ,their life was going smoothly and happily with lots of love, happiness and their romance. One day , Sanskar told everyone about arshit, that he was adopted by Kavita from orphanage, all were angry on Kavita that she used a small child for her selfish motive and felt bad for arshit but they felt proud and happy as Swara and Sanskar declared him as their baby and he will always first child of this house . Everything was perfect, Laksh was also getting better, it wasn't easy for him but his brother and his best friend was always being there for him. He used to share so many things with Swara and Sanskar and they made him understand. He gets sad sometimes but was trying to move on. He  loved ragini but he love his brother also ,he can't forgive the one who tried to kill him.
On the other hand ragini was hurt as Laksh always ignored her. She tried a lot of time to meet him but Laksh wasn't ready to meet him. One day he was working in his office when she came  and Laksh deny to meet her but then also ragini move to his cabin. Seeing ragini in front Laksh lost his temper and lashed out on her in front of whole staff. Ragini felt insulted. She was turning back when she dashed with Swara who came to give lunch to Sanskar. Ragini look at her and a sudden anger arise in her. As she stepped she stumbled but Swara hold her to help but ragini jerk it forcefully hurting Swara.. Laksh sees it and tell her to " get lost". Sanskar come out of his cabin and go to Swara. Laksh also go out of office. The whole scene was witnessed Tanya who was concerned for Laksh. She had always seen his flirty nature, loving person but this was not just him. She didn't know why but she felt concerned for him.

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