Episode 2

164 2 5

Enjoy <3

Fun Fact:I was supposed to be offline for 3 days but CANCELLED because something happened IRL(please don't ask.) I am also very tired but I have to publish this chapter before sleeping. also big thanks to daphneloveseulgi aka Lovely Cousin 💕 For The Book Cover 💜

Remember:Don't Read This At Night or Noon. After Reading This Watch Funny Or Happy Videos. 2 Tips To Avoid Having Nightmares. Also Don't Skip Chapters Because I am not the type to Re-cap on what happened on the previous episodes so if you don't understand anything of this story because you skipped many episodes then it's not my fault


also read the warning on episode 1 you also must read episode 1 too

okay now let's proceed

but first...

listen while reading ^

Elora Pov
I agree with Sana because the teacher seems off especially the principal but what could they be hiding? or maybe it's just me. I saw my friend Lee Luna but I called her Wolfie. Welcome Unipug0317 <3 she is friends with every of my friends or maybe families(Elora treated her friends like families)"Hey Wolfie!" I greeted

"Hey where is Sana?" Luna asked then Sana suddenly arrived "Speak of the devil" I said "Sana do you still remember Luna?" I asked "who is Luna?" Sana asked I facepalmed. wow seems like Naruto Manga Makes her forget something easily "does the name Wolfie ring a bell?" I asked "OH! I remember now! sorry I got distracted by my Naruto Manga" Sana apologized and hugged Wolfie

"What the hell are you doing just standing there?" Sana asked "COME ON JOIN OUR HUG!" Luna said excitedly and we group hugged when we hugged the wind suddenly blew so fast "why is it so windy? and cold?" Luna asked "yea it's very cold here" Sana said "let's just go inside the school it's very cold here" I said and the three of us goes inside. the halls are so empty

since we arrived so early everything is empty. is it okay to go alone? I suddenly felt fear rushing inside me. shivers down my spine. then suddenly I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. "guys can I go to the bathroom?" I asked and they both nodded I go walk in the empty halls again all alone by myself I don't know why the halls felt creepy all of sudden

 "guys can I go to the bathroom?" I asked and they both nodded I go walk in the empty halls again all alone by myself I don't know why the halls felt creepy all of sudden

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I clenched one of my fist tight and moved it to towards where my heart was beating. because of fear. while walking

I felt something following me but when I looked back I saw nothing so I decided to run

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I felt something following me but when I looked back I saw nothing so I decided to run. I washed my hands and my face then I saw something white passing by again. it's like the 2nd time I have seen it. was it really my imagination?

I felt it again the fear rushing my veins. shivers down my spine when I look at the mirror. I saw...

I decided to run so fast I screamed and I bumped into someone "AH!!" I screamed "ELORA?" "Huh?" I asked "Are you alright?" Landon asked "Yea I am fine" I said "I am sorry for bumping into you" I said "No worries" Landon said "but why did you screa...

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I decided to run so fast I screamed and I bumped into someone "AH!!" I screamed "ELORA?" "Huh?" I asked "Are you alright?" Landon asked "Yea I am fine" I said "I am sorry for bumping into you" I said "No worries" Landon said "but why did you scream?" Landon asked "Nothing" I said

"Elora you know you can tell me anything right?" Landon said rubbing his neck "It's just that time of a month" I said "okay. too much information" Landon said "eLoRa yOu kNoW yOu cAn tElL mE aNyThInG rIgHt?" I rolled my eyes while thinking of him saying that

he said to tell him anything that means girls privacy is included. but he told me "too much information" Boys. *rolls eyes again* "why are you not wearing your uniform again?" I asked "I told you 1 2 3 4 5 6 thousand times. *facepalms* it's not my style wearing school uniforms" Landon said facepalming

"Yea I know but still" I said "Well I go to go to my friends bye" I bidded goodbye I searched for them everywhere but where are they? I decided to search for them in their class then I saw Sana in her class

"SANA! yah! I was looking for you!" I said but she just stood there not saying anything "Sana?" I called out her name then "Um Elora who are you talking to?" "Eh? Momo?" I said surprised to see Momo here "Who are you talking to?" Momo asked

"Sana" I said "But where is she?" Momo asked when I look back she was gone. was it my imagination? "care to explain to me why are you talking to yourself?" Momo asked "I thought I saw Sana. oh well probably just my imagination" I said while facepalming

"okay" Momo said "wait...did you ...(not sex) yourself again?" Momo asked "yes" I lied "please stop doing it I beg you" Momo said beggingly "okay I'll stop" I said to be honest I already stopped but she doesn't need to know "so how are you and Landon?" Momo asked teasingly "We're just friends" I chuckled "yeah sure~" Momo teased "Hey!" I said and punched her playfully while we both giggled

"Yo guys did I miss anything?" Londyn asked "No" Momo and I said "so what did you draw today?" I asked "I drawed a phoenix. here take a look!" Londyn said and showed her phoenix drawing "wow!" Momo gasped "do you think your drawing is awesome? ha! pathetic!" Ina the meanie aka bully said "don't listen to Her Londyn She's All Mouth And No Trousers" I said

"I know" Londyn said "Shut Your Laughing Gear and Stop Earwig On Our Conversation Ina" Londyn said and Ina Stomped Off "Whatever! Atleast I am Rich and Pretty Unlike you Losers!" Ina said and stomped off "What a bitch" Londyn said "Yea" Momo said Laughing Gear is a metaphor for one's mouth. Earwig is to eavesdrop. All Mouth and No Trousers is All talk, no action, i.e Braggadocio.

"Awesome Drawing Londyn" Mason said and Londyn Face is Red but she managed to smile at him and Mason smiles back he puts his bag down and bidded goodbye "Wow" I said "That was a spawny outcome for you!" Momo said Spawny means Lucky "Momo!" Londyn said shushing Momo "I agree with Momo" I said and Londyn stood there blushing and embarrassed

Time Passed Quickly. After School
"Sana do you have a cream and a powder?" I asked "Yes but what for?" Sana asked "*sighs* Just. Please get it for me" I said facepalming "Okay" Sana said "Here you-" Sana said holding the powder and cream while opening the bathroom door I stood there in shock she stood there in shock too "Elora?" Sana asked in fear "Yes?" I asked uncomfortably "WHY DO YOU HAVE BLOOD IN YOUR ARMS?!" Sana gasped

Elora:Oh no! did I just killed someone? Find out on the next episode. stay tuned guys <3

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