Episode 4

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WARNING! It's possible for everyone to die depending on the choice you choose. so choose wisely. Choices Matter. every Choices will also affect the story!

Enjoy <3

^ listen while reading

Elora Pov
me and Sana decided to investigate about the principal and teacher's office. we are gonna see what they are up to. but first we must wear something for the "Sneak Inside School Party"
I decided to wear a pink peach coloured romper,black shoe and a jacket. also earrings.

"why are you wearing something so casual?" Sana asked "a bit of simple too" Sana said "just in case something happens. besides. I hate wearing fancy dress. it makes me uncomfortable" I said "okay. I guess I'll wear something simple too" Sana said and wear jacket and a simple dress she wear shoes too.

"I thought you will wear heels" I said "To be honest. I hate wearing heels. because I am clumsy. wearing heels will make me even more clumsier." Sana said "Okay" I said "Shall we go?" I asked "Sure" Sana said and we are on our way to school. we saw everyone on the school gates. what's weird is. there is no securities outside waiting

"let's go!" Namjoon said "Fine. but don't say I didn't warn ya. if we get caught we are blaming you boys" I said "Fine with us" Taehyung said and we get inside the school it looks very creepier than usual. since it's night. I guess. the halls feels so creepy though everyone is here

"Guys we need to go to the bathroom" Sana lied. and dragged my hand.they all nodded "Shall we investigate now?" Sana asked "we shall" I said and we both ran. we go to my office first. since the teacher's and principal's office is probably locked. I opened the door with my key. to find......

all papers scattered down the floor and it's very dusty. but I cleaned it up before going home and locked the door! surely no one can come here except the teachers and principal. but would they do this? "I cleaned it up before going home and locked the door!" I said "but how did this happen?" I asked

"maybe this is because of the wind?" Sana asked "There is no wind. I locked the door" I said "maybe one of the teachers do this. or principal" Sana said "Let's just continue this conversation for later. we got more important stuff to do. like investigating" I said

"right" Sana said "I'll search the lockers" Sana said "Okay" I said we searched everywhere and looked everywhere but there seems to be nothing until I saw a paper "Sana! here look!" I said "Yes?" Sana asked and saw Reena's handwriting at the back of the letter we saw a different handwriting

the handwriting text is "Re" "What's Re?" Sana asked "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do?" Sana asked I facepalmed "Reena Loves Piano but I believe that's certainly not the meaning of this "Re" handwriting from someone I don't know. because I have never seen a student handwriting like this" I said

"I guess you are right. but who knows? So the teacher's office?" Sana said and asked. I nodded "But we must look for keys first" I said "let's go to the security room" Sana said and we headed to the security room. to see where the teachers and principal hide their keys. we also decided to pick up the handwriting paper just in case it's important

and they hide it on one of the student's table. we decided to head to the classroom. to pick up the principal's and teacher's keys. and we picked the keys up. then suddenly the classroom door slamed. we opened the door again to see if there is someone who slamed it but there is no one.

we decided to just focus on the investigation. now it's time to find out what the teachers are up to. also principal. we go to investigate the teacher's office first. I opened the door with the key and we searched everywhere and looked for everywhere. and Sana found something
"I found something!" Sana said

But...turns out what she finds is a teddy bear doll being stabed by a knife. "Is a teddy bear that important?" I asked while facepalming "Oh shut up you gotta hear this first" Sana said and clicked the teddy bear. the teddy bear then started to talk. I guess. a teddy bear is important too. the teddy bear says "Behind you" Okay that was weird but who knows it's also important so we picked up the teddy bear

and left the teacher's office we headed to the principal's room. I opened the door with the key. and we searched and looked everywhere. we are about to leave until I stepped on something I looked up and saw.... WAIT IS THIS REENA'S HAIR?!


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I picked it up and looked at it in disbelief(yes i changed my looks since londyn and daphne decided to change theirs) I saw half of her  strawberry blonde hair

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I picked it up and looked at it in disbelief(yes i changed my looks since londyn and daphne decided to change theirs) I saw half of her  strawberry blonde hair. I stared into space for a moment what does the principal have to do with her hair? how did half of her hair ends up here?

curiosity kills me. did the principal killed her? Sana also saw it and she stared into space too "why is half of her hair here?" Sana asked in disbelief "Did...did the principal killed her?" Sana asked in disbelief "I don't know." I said we decided to pick it up too after we are done investigating. we left. we find 3 clues and that is "Re" "Behind You" and Reena's hair

I- no we can't take this anymore. we miss her.. Reena. why did you have to leave Reena? why didn't you tell us? we have been there for you. but you choose to hide your pain from us. it felt like it was our fault. it felt like yesterday. it all felt like a nightmare.


"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Sana yelled "I AM TELLING ALL OF THIS TO THE POLICE!" Sana yelled and she runs "Sana Wait-" I said Sana was about to leave the school until the lights went on and off all over again "What's going on?" Sana asked in shock "SANA BEHIND YOU!" I said panicking

Sana Pov
then I felt hands grabbing my left leg "ELORA HELP ME!!!!" I yelled. Elora then grabbed my right hand but the one who grabbed my left leg is too strong and I fainted.

Elora:Who Dragged Sana? Also Sana Is Bisexual. Meaning she loves both girls and boys. and What is Reena To Sana and I? What Is the Meaning of "Re" and "Behind You"? and How Important Is Reena to Sana? Anyways Stay Tuned...

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