Part 6

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Next morning still y/n's pov

I woke up go take a quick shower you know take on new pajamas cause I don't feel like doing anything today.

I woke up go take a quick shower you know take on new pajamas cause I don't feel like doing anything today

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I then walk to the kitchen to eat breakfast, when I were in the kitchen I saw yoongi making breakfast.

Yoongi then turned around and saw me.

"Good morning y/n, did you sleep well"

"Good morning and yes I slept okay, did you" I answered yoongi.

"I slept great. Breakfast
Is ready" then we go and sit down, and start eating.

"I'm sorry because of what I did yesterday"

Yoongi said."it's okay
yoongi appa"

When we were done eating we took our plates and washed them off.

Then I walk in my room to message lia.

Lia: what y/n!
Y/n: I don't love taehyung!
Lia: then why did he come to your home??
Y/n: taehyung and I are friends!
Lia: okay
Y/n: gtg bye.
Lia: bye.

To be honest I had nothing to do I just feel like we need to take a break from being friends.

Then I go lay in bed and fall asleep.

When I woke up I felt sad, i don't know why.

I should go take something to eat because I'm hungry.

I took some instant noodles in my favorite flavor.

When the noodles where done I took them over to the table, then I sat down by the table and started eating.

When I were done eating I go into the living room
To find yoongi watching tv.

I walk over and sat beside him.

"Appa?" I said
"Yes y/n" yoongi answered.

"I'm bored"
"Then let's watch tv together" yoongi said.
"Okay" I answered and
We decided to watch a movie so we chose a movie and begin watching.

When the movie ended we ended up cuddling.

We ended up falling asleep laying beside each other on the couch.

When I woke up we were both still on the couch, i Then Walked into my room.

I checked the clock and it was 5:34 am so I decided to go to sleep again.

Youngi POV

When I woke on the couch and see that y/n wasn't there so she's probably in her room.

I then took my phone to check the time to see it was really early.

So I decided to walk into my room to sleep.

Y/n pov

When I wake up I check the clock to see it is 9:00 am, so I go out of my room and into the living room to see that yoongi weren't there.

So I walk into he's room to see him sleeping, so I walk into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I decided to make pancakes because it's easy.

After I made pancakes I walk into yoongi's room to wake him up.

"Yoongi appa wake up" I said.
Yoongi wake up!!" Yoongi just won't wake up.

What did I expect.

So after my failed attempts of waking him up I lie down beside him and hug his side.

He hugged back, after some seconds i hugged him tight so he woke up.

"Good morning yoongi appa, I made pancakes"
I said to him.

"Good morning y/n" he answered while smiling.we then walked into the kitchen and sat down by the table and started eating.

When we were done eating we both walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

When we sat on the couch we did nothing just looking at a tv that's not even on, then I lie down on the couch with yoongi.

608 words I hope you liked it do you have anything you want in it please comment.

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