Part 3

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Y/n's pov

When I woke up I go into the bathroom to take a bath obviously, then go back into my room.

Took on the clothes that I wanted, then go into the kitchen and saw yoongi eating cereal.

"good morning appa" I said.
"good morning sweetie" yoongi answered while I took some cereal and sat down and started eating.

I then after took the bowl, and walked over to the sink and started washing it then drying it.

I then go into my room to text Lia.

Y/n:lia I need to tell you something important.
Lia:what y/n.
Y/n:I think I've fallen in love.
Lia: with who.
Y/n:I can't tell.
Lia: you can't or you don't wanna??.
Y/n: you know we are good friends but I can't tell you, but I will at the perfect moment.
Lia: okay then, I need to go now bye y/n.
Y/n: bye.

I just don't know how to tell her.
I'm scared she's gonna hate me.
Hi everyone I hoped you liked this part and comment what you think. I'm out

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