14: change of plans

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Zach's Pov

i woke up and decided i was gonna be a little bitch to Jack and Gabbie.

i was gonna wake them up by dumping cold ass water on them.

i woke up at like 7 in the morning.

this is so early for me.

i just brushed my teeth. i didn't bother putting on a shirt or doing my hair. i went downstairs seeing Jack with some girl next to him.

"you promise that she's gonna get better?" he asked as i was just standing there watching.

"Jack," she said taking his hand in hers. "this is the place. she will be fine. no drugs. no alcohol. nothing.  she will get clean at this place." i raised my eyebrow as i walked into the kitchen.

"good morning Jacky," i said while he rolled his eyes.

"good morning Zachy." he mocked me.

"so, we will have a meeting with your wife about this." this hot ass chick said.

"when?" Jack asked.

i was eyeing her up and down.

she had some booty and it looked real.

"either later today or tomorrow. i'll see where i can fit you," she said smiling a closed smile.

"oh thank you so much," Jack said as he shook her hand.

"oh and one more thing." she stated. "can i use the bathroom?" he nodded and showed her where to go.

"wife?" i asked with a smirk.

"oh shut up," he said annoyed.

i just laughed.

"you want that tho." i said with that smirk still splattered on my face.

"fuck off." Jack yelled at me.

i just laughed at him even more.

"someone's salty." i said as he rolled his eyes.

"oh and also i need to show you something," she said walking back into the kitchen.

as she was showing Jack something, i was grabbing a plate and it dropped on the floor and the plate made a loud sound.

it was hard plastic so it didn't shatter.

Noah started crying.

i picked him up and started rocking him back and forth.

"aw. what a cute son you have." she awed.

"he's Jack's," i said as she nodded.

"thank you," he said.

he sighed as they finished up.

"here i'll let you out. your child wants you Jack," i said quickly.

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