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today is our last day in jersey so we decided to do something fun with our parents

we decided to go to this water park they used to take us to when we were kids

we got there and they looked really excited since they put bigger and better slides in since the last time we went

ethan brought the water proof camera we have so we can vlog since we have no video ideas so we're doing a back home vlog thing

we did all the slides then we were planning to scare cameron, so ethan was recording

i ran up to her and i slipped and busted my ass


oh my god i got that on video

definitely bruised my ass


ellie wake up

whyyyyy let me sleep

we have to go pick up the twins in an hour

they'll survive

ellie cmon we have to get ready to get your boyfriends

it's been a week he can survive another couple hours

ellie lets go i don't want to go by myself

fine, i'm up

good, now put some clothes on

emma i have clothes on

i don't think ethan would be too happy if you showed up to the airport in some tiny ass shorts and a sports bra

true, throw me that hoodie

thanks now let's go

i got up and made my coffee and we went to the airport to pick them up

after like a half hour of waiting, they texted us and said they just landed

then like 20 minutes later they were running towards the car

they threw their stuff in the trunk and got in the back seat

hey guys

hey baby

grayson said kissing me

hey el

ethan said kissing ellie

where to

lets get food then go to the house

okay let's get something at taco bell


we got our food and i drove to the twins house

we got there and went inside and we ate and talked about their trip


stupid filler

sorry guys i'm slacking

lol i'm gonna be slacking even more when school starts

i might have one or two more chapters up before i leave for vacation on sunday

then i won't be able to post for a week then school starts so i'll try and update as much as i can after my vacation



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