Chapter One

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Chapter 1

     'Where am I?' I thought wearily. 'And why does my head hurt like crazy!' I thought trying to think.

     "Can we get some water in here please? He is looking a little hot!" yelled a feminist sounding voice. I let out a soft groan trying to get my head to stop hurting so bad. The voice that yelled had let out a questioned gasp and put their hand on my face.

     I grabbed the hand and shot up from where I was laying and looked around. As I was looking around, I stopped when the hand I was holding grabbed my hand and pinned me down to my bed. Which by the way hurt my head even more than before. The person had pinned me down and strapped me face down to the bed I was in.

     "Doctor! Get in here quick!" the voice yelled once again. I winced for the fact she was right next to my ear yelling. After a few seconds, I heard foot steps running up to where I was pinned. This was a guy. I could smell it.

     "Looks like he's awake. Good job on pinning him. We don't want him to do 'that' again." the man said. I was confused.

     'Do what again?' I thought as the man pulled my hands together and tied it behind my back so I couldn't move. I didn't like this guy. Not at all.

     "When did he wake up?" the man said finishing his tie. I started growling like some sort of animal. I have never done that ever. In fact, that time it wasn't even me!

     "Not to long. He just grabbed my hand and looked around." what I am going to guess is a lady said while holding my head down.

     "Umm hello?" I asked through my pillow also trying to breathe. I guess they heard me because not even a second goes by when they pull me up and sit me up against the wall.

     "So this time it's the boy that's awake." said the lady that was there from the beginning. She had short, brown hair with bangs that covered her forehead with only one yellow streak. She was also short with big green eyes and a scarf that covered her neck.

     "Finally after forever of waiting for the boy to wake up." the man said putting a small cloth over my neck. He was tall and had long, red hair and a blue streak just like the girl's yellow one.

     "Where am I?" I asked trying to slowly get loose. I had no idea what happened to me. Was I kidnapped or sold or something else of that sort? I couldn't really remember anything.

     "That's not important right now," the man said, " what is your name?"

     "Joey." I said trying to look the man straight in the eye. I don't know why I couldn't look him straight in the eye. I eventually gave up and just looked down at my feet.

     "Hello Joey. My name is nurse Jadyn and this is Dr. Snow. Do you remember what happened to you?" Nurse Jadyn said trying to make eye contact. I couldn't look her in the eyes either. This was strange. I have always been able to just look people straight in the eyes and just smile.

     After she asked that question, I had to think. I tried looking back but nothing was coming to me. All I could remember was.....

     'The Storm!' I thought. I looked at the wall with wide eyes bigger than a softball. I could remember the storm! But the problem was telling them. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I was trembling as though I was in fear of something.

     "Doctor?" The nurse said in a worried tone. She had stood up and backed away. Why was she backing away from me? Was I turning purple?

     "Joey? You still there?" The doctor asked patting my leg. I wanted to tell him what was going on. I felt like I was in a boat on a rough sea. The doctor and the nurse started to do some sort of drawing on the floor in a hurry.

     All of a sudden, I could feel a force deep in me that was full of hate and anger. It had eyes that glowed a red green. As I thought harder and harder on what was happening, I had never notice the spirit in front of me. I was scared yet drawn to the creature.

     "Joey." It said in a low, powerful voice. This spirit was tall and had a slim face with long, twisting horns. Looking at this I couldn't believe my eyes. He also had huge wings that went to the end of his body and a tail that was long and slick with a feather at the end. "I will guide you through your journey with a path and protection. Friends will join you and they will help you through tough times. Now let me heal you of the hate I have brought within you." The spirit said lending it's claw to me. I didn't know what to say to this. The only thing to do was an action, so I took his claw not knowing what was going to happen. The spirit had turned into a spiral and went inside my chest. I saw the eyes once more but the eyes had turned bright green and looked calm.

     I looked around once again to make sure I was still where I had left off. The doctor and the nurse we're staring at me with shock or surprise. "What just happened?" The nurse had asked looking at me as if I had floated or something.

     I had no idea what I was getting into or what was going to happen. All I knew was that the storm had changed me. I now have a power that only I know about. I had the power of the spirit within me. Dragons.

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