Journey to The Center of a Heart chapter 10

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"Happy Monday!" Miranda leap on my back and gave me a hug. She is way too cheery on Mondays.

"Hey, how was the rest of your weekend?" Her later texts were talking about how her sister didn't want to leave her and it took five hours to finally get her sister to go. After which, she texted me anout how sad she was.

"It was ok,  I called up Todd and we worked on our French project some."

"Todd as in the Todd you've been crushing on since fifth grade?" She nods her head and blushes. " Nice." She blushes harder and we both laugh, walking towards Homeroom.

After school, Tyler was coming over again to work on on the project.

"Ok, so which landmark are we going to use for the scale model." I ask. We sit there thinking for a minute.

"Let's just do the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I dont really care if most people are doing it." We go to the kitchen to get some supplies. Forty-five minutes later, we have the foundation and thats about it.

"Wanna take a break and watch TV or Something?" I nod and we turn on the TV. Five minutes later, we hear a banging on the door that sounds extremely frantic.

"I'll be right back." I head towards the door, whoever is out there is still knocking, I open the door and Miranda jumps into the house with a suitcase that looks stuffed. I close the door behind her. "What's wrong?" She's on the floor crying. I kneel down beside her. "Is everything ok at home?" She turns to look at me and there's blood running down her face, and her clothes are stained with blood.  "Oh shit, I'll be right back with a first aid kit. TYLER, CAN YOU WATCH HER FOR A MINUTE!" I run upstairs to my room and get my first aid kit. Just for good measure, I go to the hall closet and get the first aid kit with actual medical supplies from my moms work. I run back downstairs to find her on the couch.  "Thanks, Tyler." He nods.

I go over to her and startcleaning and dressing the wounds on her head. I ask Tyler to leave the room so I can check for any other wounds. By the time I'm done, her head is wrapped, part of her arm, and her stomach.

" Do you want to tell us what happened?" She sniffled and wiped the tears off her face.

"I got tired of my dad hurting my, so I told him I was leaving. He appearently didn't like that idea so he tried to knck me unconsioud I guess. I threw a remote at his head and it knocked him unconsious for a little bit. I ran upstairs to my room and packed my bag with all my clothes and ran out the door. I dont know when he woke up or if he followed me. Could I please stay here, just for a little bit, until  my mom can get custody?"

I give her a hug. "You can stay as long as you like, Miranda." She looks up behind me.

"Whose that?" I whip my head around and look at Tyler. "Actually, I think I've seen you hanging around him a lot recently."  I look at him still, not knowing if it was ok to tell her or not. He nods his head. "Sure." He tells me.

"His name is Tyler and he just moved here. He is the same one in the rumors but none of it is true!" She stares at me for a few senconds, then stares at him. He tenses up a little.

"I believe you when you say the rumors aren't true. And I won't tell anyone, I can tell this is something you guys are trying to hide." She smiled at us. "Could you at least tell me what the real story is?" So we both explained to her his story about Ms Bakers. And I told her about how it was the same lady who ruined my family as well. "Wow. That seriously sucks...I won't tell anyone I swear. Now I get why you were so upset about our new english teacher."  Tyler had to go home, so he called his dad to come pick him up.

"Thanks for comingover and helping with the project. Also for helping with Miranda." He kisses me on the top of my head and I blush. "Bye." He says as he walks out the door.

" Hee hee." I hear a voice from behind me. Miranda is standing there. "You like him a lot. Are you guys going out?" I blush more deeply.

"I actually don't know iif we are or not."

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