Movie Night

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The Spider-man Homecoming crew as well as Zendaya's friend Darnell and Tom's friend Harrison had a long day at filming, especially Tom. They were seated at a Starbucks, talking over drinks. After a few minutes, they concluded that they should hang out at Tom's house, (Marvel had given him a mansion basically) and watch a movie. The crew then split up to get food and blankets for the movie they were watching that night. Tom drove with Jacob, Harrison, and Tony while Zendaya drove with Laura and Darnell.

"So, Tom's pretty cute isn't he?" Laura whispered into Zendaya's ear.

"I guess..." Zendaya responded quietly.

Laura began to scroll through Instagram, looking for a sexy picture of Tom. She came across one of him in a red and white shirt and sunglasses.


Laura showed it to Zendaya, making her blush and turn away

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Laura showed it to Zendaya, making her blush and turn away.

"You want him, don't you?" Laura teased.

Zendaya's face went red all over again, Laura taking that as a yes. Darnell laughed from the drivers seat, receiving a slap from Zendaya.

"Just imagine, his lips locked with yours, tongue swirling and exploring every bit of your mouth, while his shirtless body is pressed up against yours-" Zendaya cut Laura off with a moan. Laura laughed her head off, Zendaya now angry at her.

After a few minutes, they reached the store. They were responsible for drinks, so they bought some beer and pop. They soon left the shop

They drove home to pick up a few blankets before driving off to Tom's house. As they entered the house, Zendaya's eyes darted to a sleeping Tom. He had passed out from the work he did that day, so he was lying peacefully on the couch.

Zendaya smirked at the sight before setting down the drinks on the coffee table. Tom had gotten up due to Jacob shaking him. Now he was walking over to the kitchen for a glass of water, shirtless. Zendaya didn't notice before because he was under a blanket. She tried not to stare by making herself go to the bathroom.

As she made her way down the hallway, she had no idea what the others were planning


Laura smiled when she saw the seats available. 

 There was a three seater couch, a beanbag chair, a reading chair, and a circular loveseat. Laura smirked and called the others over. 

"Let's make Tomdaya happen! I will sit on the reading chair, Darnell you can have the beanbag, Harrison, you will sit on the couch with Jacob and Tony, leaving Tom and Zendaya on the loveseat" Laura whispered, singing the last part.

The group nodded in agreement before sitting down in their designated spots with food and drinks.

Not so later, Tom walked in from the kitchen at the same time Zendaya came out of the bathroom. They saw the only spot left was the loveseat, making Zendaya's heart flutter. She quickly noticed that Tom had already sat down and was watching her with a blank expression.

Zendaya slowly made her way over to the seat, realizing that Tom was still shirtless. Zendaya tried to hide her blush as she sat down beside him.

Now, with how small the loveseat was, the two were squished together. Zendaya realized that they wouldn't fit comfortably if they just sat side by side.

This made Zendaya quietly scooted over so that she was basically on Tom's lap with her head in the crook of his neck.

Zendaya was terrified as to what was about to happen. But his reaction shocked her.

Tom had snaked his arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head. Zendaya relaxed at the touch and snuggled into Tom's arms. The two cuddled throughout the whole movie, Zendaya burying her face into his neck when there were jump scares.

By the end of the movie, Zendaya and Tom had passed out, still in the same position. Not wanting to wake them, the others picked them up and lied them down in a bed together.

The morning came quickly. Zendaya snuggled into what she thought was her pillow. She slowly blinked her eyes open to find herself snuggled into Tom's chest. She jumped up, accidentally waking him. She checked to make sure she was still dressed, and to her relief she was.

Tom grunted as he sat up, groggy from sleep. He opened his eyes to see Zendaya awake and sitting up beside him.

The two just looked into each others eyes, subconsciously leaning in. Then after a few moments, Tom was pressing his warm lips onto Zendaya's. She was shocked but soon gave into the kiss.

Tom's arm snaked it's way down to her waist, the other tangled up in her hair. Zendaya's arms were hung loosely around Tom's shoulders, deepening the kiss. Their mouths moved in sync, pressing their bodies as close together as possible.

Tom licked the bottom lip, making Zendaya gasp at the sudden action. Tom used this as his chance to slip his tongue in. The two kissed for a few more moments before pulling away, resting their foreheads together.

Zendaya smiled at him, Tom returning it.

Then Zendaya asked the question that was in both of their heads.

"Tom, what are we?" Zendaya whispered.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Tom asked, a smile spreading across his face at her response.

"Yes, I would love to" Zendaya answered, pecking his lips.

The two then got up to get ready for the day of filming ahead of them.

(A/N - How was this? This is my first time, so feel free to give constructive criticism, And feel free to request oneshots! I will try my hardest to get to all of them!)

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