#2 about to let go

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Back home with my daddy
(Trey) POV
"Daddy it's Monday and her mom is going crazy trying to fight the girl I'm Wit now because our kid is around her. but the funny thing is the man she is around I don't even like him but that's not gone stop me from letting my daughter's see her mom. It's crazy how life works cause they swear their going to beat my new girlfriend up but nobodys doing anything that's not how I'm raising my daughter to be or act like her carzy *** mother anit nobody gonna touch her while she wit me cause I ain't like that but ill beat somebody up for who's mine you feel me ✊✊
Days go by and everything settles down so I can get some rest my mom takes Olivia for the night so I can sleep we just squashed it cause it's no point of going back in forth

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