#5 changed

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So Olivia has 2 older sisters that she is staying with while we go to court and those to are my kids all together I have 3 kids.
" Olivia you go to tubbas house tubba is what she calls her sisters
"Alright their coming in about 15 minutes ok
"So let's go get 2 outfits ok

" Olivia you go to tubbas house tubba is what she calls her sisters "Yeah "Alright their coming in about 15 minutes ok"So let's go get 2 outfits ok "Okay*

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* Alr we got to outfits so let's put it in your bag grab you tooth brush, toothpaste

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Alr we got to outfits so let's put it in your bag grab you tooth brush, toothpaste.

So then I dropped her off at her sisters house and she ran to them like she haven't seen the in 10 years .

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