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Wassuh wasssuhhh
Here's a lil thing for me to just barf my emotions out. I've got lots to say. Besides, no one cares about me as an author or reads anything I write. First of all, I'm so sorry for being on a longgggg hiatus! I just couldn't ever be motivated to write since I wouldn't be writing for many people tbh. Unless one day I suddenly get discovered or whatever. It's hard to be motivated when I don't know why I write at times. Next, I've been in an on and off depression for whatever reason idek. But sometimes I lay awake at night and wonder if I accept myself at all. Or love myself. Or if secretly everyone I love wants to change me. Or if I'm good enough. Or if I'm annoying or rude. I guess I'm more insecure. Next, I got a bf! Someone I've had a crush on for two years. TWO YEARS! If you read what happened, you know what happened. You should read it, and you should also read my stories hahahahah. You know that guy Walker that I hated for a while? Soooo we might be friends again at some point which is uber weird imo but also cool. I stopped caring about that stupid fight at some point and never talked to him since. He's changed a lot and is pretty nice tbh. He said he was glad we're on good terms and I agree! I'll probably update my stories soon enough but I'm not promising anything. Love everyoneee<3

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