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Sanity listened to that sound every second in the elevator as it passed each floor. It gleamed white with no sense of a stain or marking anywhere. Just like this elevator, she too was to show no signs of impurities or sin. This was to be expected if one was part of The Courts.

The elevator stopped. Floor 301, the highest in the Asylum. The doors opened, and Sanity made her way out into a dark room with ocean blue ambient lights gently flowing around the area. The room was beautiful yet fragile. Glass structures were around, from furniture to the pillars holding the roof, refracting the light to different areas, allowing the light to move so smoothly. Amongst all of it was a man, by a desk, staring outside one of the many windows surrounding the room.

The man stood tall, looking down at the city that surrounded the Asylum, with his hands behind his back giving a pressure to fear yet respect him. His white long coat rested on his broad shoulders, so clean that it glowed brightly where as he was the only thing noticeable and untainted by the darkness he resided in upon entering. This was a man that Sanity respected.

"My Majesty, Alexander," Sanity said as she stood in front of his desk giving a small bow.

"Lord Sanity," Alexander said as he turned around with a gentle smile. His face was smooth and flawless, besides the mole under his right eye, with soft curly hair, sanity believes, was placed perfectly on him. If there was anyone in the world to give the impression on what an angel would look like, it was him. "Where have you been? You were expected to meet me for your briefing hours ago."

Sanity glanced up, only to see his glacier blue eyes meeting with hers, showing the disappointment he had in her. She then looked back down remaining silent towards his question.

"I understand," Alexander said as his expression turned straight faced before turning back around facing the view of the city once more. "Not only are you late, but you are withholding the truth? You of all people know that is a lie and to lie is an impure sin. There are things I always expect when one is under my leadership. To be orderly and to be pure. Instead, you come in front of me and defile both."

He was right, and Sanity knew better. She stood there ready to accept any punishment she deserved.

"Knowing you, you are probably awaiting your punishment," Alexander said with a small chuckle. "But no, we have both sinned today. The scent of madness lingers from you but beneath that is another smell, a flower perhaps?" Alexander turned back around and made his way to Sanity resting his gloved hand upon her shoulder. "There is no mistaking that smell. It brings back memories for both of us doesn't it?"

"You knew?" Sanity asked. "Why have you never told me? Why did you let the dementals take over such a beautiful place?"

"I did know. I wasn't going to tell you until you were a Majesty as a gift for reaching your end goal. I believed it was too early and that you would succumb to an emotional imbalance if you knew too soon during your training, but, I was proved wrong. As for the dementals, I left it the way she designed it. There was no need to change what was already made perfect." Alexander looked Sanity in the eyes as she remained straight faced but could feel the joy in her eyes. He was a bit concerned on how she found it when not a lot of people knew of its location, but knowing how smart she is, he did not pry.

He then escorted her to one of the windows and stared at the city. "What do you see?" He asked.

"The city, sir," Sanity replied.

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