Escape from Earth 2

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''Hey jack frost a little help.'' Cindy said.

Jack frost hold his hands and say ''No can't do, suger.''

''FROST.'' E2 Harper said.

''Alright.'' Jack said and walk to Joshie.

Jack frost freeze Joshie chains and break the chains. ''Thank you.'' Joshie said to Jack frost.

Jack frost walk to Beverly cell and put both of his cold hands on the glass but it's not working as he try again and again.

Jack frost walk to Beverly cell and put both of his cold hands on the glass but it's not working as he try again and again

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''What is wrong, what is going on.'' Earth 2 Lan said.

"I don't know, I never see like this before." Jack frost said.


Jack frost try as hard he can to freeze Zap with his ice power.

"Hey" Jack frost said to Cindy. "You're right, I still had a warm spot in my heart."

Jack frost see Beverly is still there and Jack frost tell Beverly go back to Earth 1 before Zap get her again.


Beverly, Cindy and E2 Harper are back in Earth 1 and Carson hug Beverly.

Carson saw Jackie but before Jackie walk over to team flash, a hand went to Jackie chest and take her back to Earth 2.

Carson saw Jackie but before Jackie walk over to team flash, a hand went to Jackie chest and take her back to Earth 2

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"NOOOOOOOOOO" Carson screamed as Jackie is gone and Carson ones again lost or watch someone he love.


Hey guys and its a while and short of this chapter :( but I hope you enjoy it, bye.

~the Angel puppy

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