Out of Time

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Carson look at Beverly for a second as he as Cindy walk to Beverly.

"You ok?, you seem a little off." Carson question to Beverly.

"Uh..yeah yeah, fine, but someone at Picture news got it into Lan's head that something suspicious is going on with Dr. Wells." Beverly said.

Carson raised a eyebrow. "Like what?" Carson said.

"Edith knows what happened to Simon Stagg. Apparently, nobody seen him since the night I stopped Anon Black." Beverly said.

"What did you tell him?" Cindy asked.

"That's he's wrong, he's is." Beverly said.

"Your sure that's all that's is wrong, Beverly?" Carson said.

"I just... I feel like I should tell Lan." Beverly said.

"Yea you should." Carson said.


When Beverly and Lan pulled away, Beverly get her phone and Carson is calling her.

"Yea?" Beverly answered Carson on the phone.

"Beverly, I need to talk to you, Dr wells; she... Carson was cut off when Beverly snapped.

"There...there no time for that right now, alright!" Beverly interrupted. "Carson, there is a tsunami heading for the city, how do I stop it?" Beverly continue.

"Theoretically, if you can create a vortex barrier along the shoreline, a wall of wind that would be able to sap the wave of its energy before it's hit the city." Carson explains to Beverly.

"By running back and forth, How fast?" Beverly asked.

"I don't know if you can run that fast." Carson said.

Beverly was a little worried and hung up her phone.


Hey guys and sorry it was short but I hope you guys like it and Happy Thanksgiving, bye

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