4. Charisma

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"I sit before flowers hoping they will train me in the art of opening up."

~Shane Koyczan




"Can I ask you a question?"

I looked up from where I had my forehead leaning on my raised knees when my inner debate of whether or not Shay and I should run was cut short. I didn't want to wait another hour, and I knew that Shay was practically jumping in her seat as we sat here. Currently, I was in favor of just going for the escape. I could deal with anything as long as we were able to leave. I just needed to get out of this café.

Correction; Shay needed to get out of this café. I was quite content now that I had my flash drive, but her constant complaining and irritated statements were starting to rub off on me and I began feeling the same way.

I blinked once at the pair of kind blue eyes staring back at me. We had been sitting in silence for a few long moments, and when I realized he was waiting for me to answer, I immediately felt my cheeks heat.

"I...sure. Yeah that's fine." I stumbled over my words, unsure of how to speak properly when this musical genius was sitting so close.

He let out a low chuckle, glancing away for a second.

The move almost seemed like he was nervous. I'm not sure what could have lead him to feel nervous, unless he just didn't like me.

It was probably because I had had an episode right in front of him. He probably thinks I'm a freak.

"Your device." He began, motioning to the flash drive in my hand that I refused to let go of. "It's important to you, yeah?"

I felt my body tense and I automatically leaned away from the conversation.

"Why do you think that?" I asked defensively. The words were tense, but I couldn't help the way that my mind began making assumptions. "Did you look at what is on it? That's personal information!"

My hands began shaking at the idea of anyone seeing my journal, nonetheless someone who was definitely a part of it.

"No! No, of course I didn't. I just figured you had something important on it because you seemed so worried about it before. You even told me it was important!" He spoke quickly and with wide eyes as he watched my fidgeting hands slowly calm down. When his words sank in I let out a rush of relieved breath.

I really needed to stop jumping to conclusions or I was going to end up putting myself in a coma.

"Thank god. I don't know what I would've done if anyone opened it." I trailed off, suddenly remembering that he was still sitting in the booth across from me, watching with an amused expression.

"If I would have opened something on it, what would you have done?" He inquired with a small smile. "Do you have anything embarrassing on it? Like porn or something?"

I laughed loudly out of surprise. First it came out as a snort, and then it followed with a chorus of uncontrolled giggles.

He watched as I laughed, his own small smile plastered on his face.

"No!" I denied, shaking my head as I sobered. "Nothing like that, trust me."

His full pink lips spread into another smile, making my pulse fluctuate.

I never really realized how attractive he was. It wasn't anything really obvious, like Channing Tatum's hotness. It was just one of those 'holy cow I'm going to die of cuteness'. It was sort of like looking at a puppy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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