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"So what do you want to do now?" Sooji asks.
She'd just arrived a couple minutes before and now we were sitting in my room.
I shrug. "Do you want to watch a movie?"
"I guess so. There's nothing else to do." Sooji replies.
"Ok," I hop off the bed and hand Sooji the remote. "You find a movie and I'll go make some popcorn."
"Ok." Sooji says as she flips the TV on.
I walk down the hall to the pantry in the kitchen, idly wondering what Jungkook was up to today. He hadn't text me at all today, which was unusual for him but he was probably just busy packing for his flight tonight.
My phone vibrates in my pocket as i open a package of popcorn and set it in the microwave. I fish for my phone as i press the popcorn button, opening up the text.



I'm glad you finally text me. I was starting to get worried

Guess who just landed in Busan?

"Wait, what?" I say in surprise, jumping as the microwave beeps.
I take the bag out and set it in the bowl, turning back to my phone as it vibrates again.

Are you busy tonight?


How can I get out of the house without Sooji noticing? I can't. I guess I'll just have to cancel on Jungkook even though I really don't want to; I haven't seen him in so long-
"Ugh, I swear my parents hate me," I look up as Sooji walks into the room, trying to ignore my phone as it pings in my hand. "They want me to come home because apparently, Jungkook came home a day early."
"Oh," I say lightly, trying to fake surprise. "A-are you leaving then?"
"I'll go later on. I'm in no rush to see Jungkook." Sooji replies distastefully.
"Oh, ok." I say, sneaking a peek at my phone.

Want to go to dinner with me later on?

I was just about to text him back when Sooji eyes my phone suspiciously.
"Who're you texting?" She asks.
"No one." I reply quickly.
"You know, you've been texting an awful lot lately." She continues on after a moment.
"Its no one, trust me- Sooji!" I suddenly exclaim as she makes a grab for my phone and takes it from me.
"What the-? When did you get Jungkook's number?" She asks as she scrolls through our texts.
"Are you two seeing eachother?" She demands, looking angry.
"Well- not officially-"
"Mijae, how could you? After everything he's done-"
"Sooji, it's not his fault that your parents treat you the way that they do." I say softly.
"Even if it's not, he doesn't do anything about it. That makes it worse." Sooji shoots back.
"He's trying; but you don't excatly make it easy." I say.
"He's trying what Mijae? Does he even know that's your real name?" Sooji asks, smirking when I shake my head.
"Oh this is rich. So you mean to tell me that he still thinks your Mijoo, the JYP trainee?" She asks.
"Please, don't say anything Sooji. I just...i haven't found the right time to tell him." I plead.
"Maybe you should've thought about that before you decided to keep leading him along. This is even better than my original plan."
"Sooji, no-"
"You know what? Maybe I will go home now-"
"Get off of me." Sooji snaps back as she shakes her arm out of my grasp.
I watch her walk out of the kitchen, my heart beating rapidly.
There's nothing I can do, she's going to spill everything as soon as she sees him.
I jump as i hear the front door slam shut, the sound echoing throughout the house. My mom walks into the kitchen a moment later, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Where did Sooji go?" She asks.
"Home; she had to go home." I reply quietly.

Its going to happen any minute now. Jungkook is going to call me and demand to know why I lied to him.
Its been two hours now since Sooji left and I've been laying on my bed, stressing over the thought of Jungkook calling me.
I don't know why I even agreed to her stupid plan anyway.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

There's no turning back now. My hand shakes slightly as i pick up my phone and take the call.
"Hello?" I say, my voice shaking with emotion even though I try not to let it show.
"I need to talk to you." Jungkook says, sounding a little upset.
She really told him. I had to tell him the truth, no matter how much it hurt.
"Sooji made me do it." I blurt out.
"W-what?" Jungkook asks after a moment, his voice sounding confused.
"I didn't want to do it but she practically forced me to. She wanted to get back at you for...I don't know, I guess the way your parents treated her because of you." I say, my voice shaking slightly by the time I finish.
Silence greets me from the other side, making me even more nervous. And then-
"How do you know my sister?" Jungkook asks, sounding hurt.
It takes a moment for me to process what he said, because i was so sure the reason he was calling was because of Sooji. I'm so stupid, I just assumed Jungkook was calling because Sooji told him everything. I've just ruined everything by opening my mouth.
"I...why are you calling?" I ask timidly, almost afraid to hear the anwser.
"Yugyeom called me today and told me that they had no record of you ever being a trainee for JYP. I wanted to know why you lied to me," Jungkook replies quietly. "But i guess I know why now."
"Jungkook wait, let me explain-"
But he hangs up on me before I can finish my sentence.

There's only one more part to left for this story. Who's ready to see how it ends???

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