Big Doo Doo

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When me and my dad took the dog and the puppies out, my little brother Andy saw the puppies and the dog

Did we get puppies and a dog?
Andy yelled

My dad and I shushed him

Andy! Shut up! Mom doesn't know about the dog and the puppies
I said to him

Okay! I'll get mommy
Andy said

Andy stop!
I said to him

My mom came out and saw them

Oh my god! Brandon?! 5 puppies and a dog?
She said

Yeah. I got to keep them overnight and I got to look them over
My dad said

Andy then cried

Why daddy?!
Andy said

My dad kneels down to him

Son, we can't keep them. They were abandoned and we got to keep them overnight

Your dad's right. The owner must of lost them and-
My mom said until

Mom. Dad. The dog is gone
I said to them

My parents freaked out and they looked for the dog until......

That mutt is in our yard!!
That would be Marley

Looked outside and the dog was in the Clark's yard

My mom and I ran out when Mrs. Clark ran out and stepped in something

Oh my god!!! I got dog doo doo on my shoe!
Mrs. Clark screamed

I grabbed the dog and Mrs. Clark glared at my mom

Well dork! Whose dog is this?!
Mrs. Clark hissed

MacKenzie, were just keeping it overnight. Brandon is going to look them over and he's going to look for the owner of the dog and her puppies
My mom said

Just look! That dog just went number 2 in our nice yard!
Mrs. Clark said

Just grab a tissue and clean it
My mom said

I'm not cleaning THAT!
Mrs. Clark said

Me neither
Marley said

The dog just likes your yard
I said

Shut up dork!
Marley hissed

My mom grabbed a tissue and gave it to Mrs. Clark

I'm NOT cleaning that!
Mrs. Clark said

Mrs. Clark took off her shoe and gave it to my mom

I'll clean it
I said to my mom

I cleaned the doo doo off

Ewwww gross!
Marley said in disgust

Mrs. Clark was disgusted as well

That was gross I have to admit

I gave Mrs. Clark her shoe back

Here you go
I said to her

She snatched it from me and put it back on

I need a bath after THIS! Let's go Marley!
Mrs. Clark said

Yeah! Dork with their gross mutt
Marley sneered

They both sashay into their house

I hate it when she sashays
My mom and I said

We both walk the dog back to our yard

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