7. Alexis

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Every person is beautiful in his or her own way. You have to realise it and be content with whomsoever and whatsoever you are.

Listen to 'Back to you' by Selena Gomez

Some time later..

I was staring at the ceiling, thinking of how to get close to Chris again, how to make him love again when the door of the room opens. Must be Justin.

"I've still not made up my mind Justin. There's no point coming here." I say. No reply. "Justin?" I ask. "Giving me a silent treatment?" Still no reply. "Justiiinnn?" This silence is unbearable. "Ok, I'll tell you." I say and sit up.

But it's not Justin who is standing there. It's someone I've never seen before. He is tall, like most men here but somewhat scary looking because of the deep scar on his left cheek. He is staring at me intently.

"Um.. who are you?" I ask bluntly.

He smirks. "You don't know me. Of course, why would someone like you know me. But I know you. You have been my celebrity crush ever since the day you came into fame." He tells.

I smile awkwardly. "Thanks, I guess. I'm flattered." I say unsurely. He takes confident steps towards me until he is just some inches away from me. "What are you doing?"

"The thing I've been doing in my dreams ever since I saw you." He pushes me back on the bed and climbs on top of me.

"Get off me you asshole!" I scream.

He puts a finger on my fingers to silence me. "Don't worry babe, I won't be hard on you. I promise." He lifts my handcuffed hands over my head. He is a true psycho.

I try struggling but to no use since he outweighs me. So I scream and shout. Because my hands are tied, I lose half of my power. Still, instead of waiting for someone to rescue me, I decide to defeat him on my own. My legs are between his, so I lift my knee and kneel him where it hurts. He groans in pain and moves away from me but since we were on the edge of the bed, he falls down.

I take advantage of the situation and dart towards the door. I'm halfway there when the man grabs my right ankle and pulls me down. I fall on the ground and my jaw hits the hard marble. That hurts. The man then jumps on top of me. He again holds my wrists above my head and brings his face close to me. He was about to crash his lips on mine when the door opens with a loud thud.

"What the fuck is happening here!?" Chris shouts. He comes further in and lifts the man off me.

I sit back up and try to settle my ragged breathing. Justin is soon by my side. He rubs my back. Then my now bruised jaw catches his attention. He tilts my face to take a proper look.

"Get out Brad. I'll deal with you later." Chris says through gritted teeth.

Brad scrambles to his feet and dashes out of the room leaving me, Chris and Justin in the room. Justin helps me to my feet.

"Katherine.. look, that was.." Chris starts but I interrupt him.

"No, you don't get to tell me a lame excuse for whatever has just happened. This time you shut up." I spit. Justin and Chris's eyes widen but they don't say anything. "This," I raise my handcuffed wrists. Because I was struggling with them on, my wrists are bleeding now. "You said they were just for formality. I agreed to put them when you know I could've put a fit. I agreed to everything you said just so I could be safe here. You even promised me that I would be safe. Is this what you call being safe!?"

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